

Renewable Energy: Costs and Investments in the Atlantic

October 2016
Kristine Berzina

This podcast is performed by Kristine Berzina. The EU has prided itself on being a leader on renewable energy and climate change policy, but it is quickly losing that status. Disparate policy making me slow political processes has made the EU much later to ratify the Paris Agreement than China, India, and the United States. Why is Europe losing its seat at the head of climate and renewable energy efforts? Which countries in the Atlantic Basin have taken over the momentum? What is the role for partnership?


  • Authors
    In life, all forests seem magical, feels Thoralya Dyer, an Australian writer. Dwarfs and ghosts floating above the autumn leaves; Robin Hood, the British cult figure, hiding in a tree trunk in a forest of the king of England, who controls all 'nature's treasures; deer and mushrooms included, bees and Oaktree's, you name it. There is hardly any culture, which does not celebrate the mystery of trees; planks of wood allowed Columbus to discover America. Cedar built Noah's arch to save ...
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