

L'intelligence artificielle : quelles menaces pour les élections majeures de 2024 ?

April 2024
Abdessalam Saad Jaldi & Raja Bensaoud

En 2024, des scrutins nationaux majeurs vont s’organiser dans près de 80 pays dans le monde. Or, les technologies de l’intelligence artificielle, notamment l’IA générative et ses progrès rapides, suscitent de fortes inquiétudes quant à son utilisation pour influencer les résultats. Bien que les grandes entreprises technologiques aient signé un accord pour limiter les risques d’utilisation malveillante de contenus générés par l’IA durant les élections, nombreux experts alertent quant aux menaces que fait peser l’IA sur l’intégrité de tout processus électoral. Quels risques ? Comment préserver l’accès à des informations fiables ? Quels garde-fous techniques et juridiques ? Abdessalam Saad Jaldi, spécialiste senior en relations internationales au PCNS, engage une conversation sur le sujet avec Raja Bensaoud, professeure universitaire et juriste en droit des affaires et en droit numérique.


  • August 1, 2018
    “This article has been originally published in 'Morocco in Focus 2018,' the magazine of the Moroccan Embassy in New Delhi, India on the occasion of the Morocco National Day 2018.” Introduction In an article published last year, the author stressed the role of partnership between Morocco and India for the inclusive growth of small farmers. There is no doubt that agriculture remains a major instrument for human development both in India and in Africa. Several international reports h ...
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    Mokhtar Ghailani
    July 13, 2018
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    July 4, 2018
    “NONE OF AFRICA’S PROBLEMS CAN BE RESOLVED THROUGH MILITARY FORCE” Colonel Raul Rivas arrived in dress uniform, his parachute citations well polished. His ribbons for bravery and combat duty were aligned at the upper left-hand side of his jacket, a colorful display of combat, death and battles in Afghanistan and Iraq.  The Colonel, just a few years above 40, and despite his 21 years in the military, was as “proud of being an American as one can be,” a true patriot. He jumped out ...
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    May 31, 2018
    He wore sunglasses. A traditional red and white checkered headscarf, a Bedouin Arab keffiyeh, covered his balding head. His combat uniform was khaki colored. When my host sat down he clamped his Kalachnikov with two hands, tucking the weapon to his chubby body, 5 feet and 4 inches in all. He was unshaven, with his famous three days beard. The tent was surrounded by armed guards, since we were meeting (in secret) in the Jordan Valley, near the Israeli-Jordanian border. Caution was ad ...
  • Authors
    May 31, 2018
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