

Les villes africaines peuvent-elles être un moteur de développement économique pour l’Afrique ?

April 2022
Rim Riouch, Sina Schlimmer, M’hammed Dryef
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Comment les villes africaines vont absorber la croissance démographique rapide ? Comment améliorer la bonne gouvernance urbaine en Afrique ? Comment combler le financement des infrastructures urbaines ? Dans cet épisode nous recevons Sina Schlimmer, chercheuse au Centre Afrique subsaharienne de l’Ifri, accompagnée de notre Senior Fellow M’hammed Dryef pour débattre des enjeux et défis des villes africaines. Ce podcast a été réalisé en partenariat avec l’Institut français des relations internationales (Ifri)


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    October 27, 2015
    International trade has become a pervasive feature of our lives, yet it remains controversial and resisted across the world. High and rising income inequality, which is often blamed on international trade, especially trade with China, is one reason. But the main driver of inequality is new technology, not international trade. Although trade interacts with new technology in ways that often lead to higher inequality, trade and technology also lie at the root of economic advance. So th ...
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    Aicha Belarbi
    May 2, 2014
    It is important to understand how today’s migrations are shaping the architecture of Africa and South America, creating intensive South-South and South-North movement, but a weak flow between the two continents. Political, socioeconomic, and environmental differences between Africa and South America could lead to imbalanced migratory processes between the two continents. Migration policy is not a purely rational enterprise; it is usually designed to please public opinion, and remain ...