Transatlantic Relations and dynamics between North and South in a Changing World

January 19, 2024

2024 will be the most important electoral year on record. While elections will be held in major countries of the South (including India, Indonesia, and South Africa, among others) and in Russia, the North Atlantic will also be home to noticeable contests. The U.S. and the EU have witnessed a surge in right-wing populism. How both powerhouses will fare in front of that challenge to liberal democracy as it was traditionally understood, and how it will shape their foreign policy and engagement with the rest of the world, are the topics of this conversation with Strahinja Matejic, Associate Director in the Office of the President at the Eurasia Group, and member of the ADEL 2022 cohort.


  • Authors
    November 5, 2019
    Since 2013, armed conflict has raged in the Central African Republic, between the largely Muslim Seleka rebels and the predominantly Christian militias (known as the anti-Balaka). Rebel groups are controlling broad swathes of the country, exploiting mineral wealth, and levying taxes on cattle migration. Non-state actors such as the Popular Front for the Governance of the Central African Republic (FPRC), which claims to “govern” the country’s northeast, have severely tested the autho ...
  • October 31, 2019
    La irrupción de Podemos (izquierda radical) y Ciudadanos (centro-derecha) a la política nacional en 2014 (elecciones europeas) y 2015 (elecciones generales) respectivamente, dio por finalizado el sistema bipartidista que caracterizó la política española desde finales del siglo XIX, y dio inicio a un bloqueo político persistente que imposibilitó la formación de un gobierno. A su vez, la aparición del partido de extrema derecha Vox en las últimas elecciones de abril de 2019, y la irru ...
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    Benjamin Augé
    October 29, 2019
    L’ Afrique de l’Est a le potentiel de connaître un boom gazier et d’ exportation de gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL) ces prochaines années grâce à plusieurs projets qui viennent d’être débloqués. Le Mozambique a ainsi sanctionné deux projets totalisant plus de 15 millions de tonnes par an (Mt/an) de gaz liquéfié et un troisième devrait être lancé d’ici la fin 2019. Un premier Floating Liquefied Natual Gas plant (FLNG) d’ ENI arrivera sur le marché en 2021-2022 et quatre autres trains de l ...
  • Authors
    Samuel Arnaud
    October 28, 2019
    Africa, as a continent of economic opportunities, is attracting foreign players. In this context, India is emerging as an important partner, especially for Eastern and Southern Africa. The complexity of its geopolitical environment combined with internal specificities motivated the revival of interest for the continent. This paper draws on historical developments between India and African countries to provide the state of play of recent linkages. Those trends are better perceived th ...
  • Authors
    October 24, 2019
    Due to the prevailing nationalism, the prospect of increase in voluntary donation for humanitarian assistance by States and citizens in charity is depressing, though humanitarian crises are increasing and becoming complicated. Thus, MINUSMA, MINUSCA and G5 Sahel Joint Force lack funds. For starting discussions on the donation by citizens not in charity, Japan’s experience of Furusato Nozei, or ‘Hometown Donation Program’, will be briefly referred. ...
  • Authors
    Mehmet Öğütçü
    October 21, 2019
    Decades of rapid economic growth have dramatically expanded China’s energy needs. The magnitudes are impressive. China is now the world’s largest consumer of energy, the largest producer and consumer of coal, and the largest emitter of carbon dioxide. It is increasingly looking toward securing its future energy needs with sustainable alternatives. China has also become the world’s largest producer, exporter and installer of solar panels, wind turbines, batteries, electric vehicles, ...
  • Authors
    Mokhtar Ghailani
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    D’édition en édition, African Peace and Security annual Conference (APSACO), l’un des rendez-vous annuels phares du Policy Center for the New South (PCNS), confirme son envergure de plate-forme d’échange et de partage en vue de permettre à l’Afrique de s’adjuger une place dans le marché mondial des idées.  Dans son intervention lors de la 3ème édition, organisée les 18 et 19 juin 2019, avec pour thème ‘’ Africa's Place and Influence in a Changing World’’, Rachid El Houdaigui, Senior ...