Présentation du Rapport Annuel sur l’Economie de l’Afrique 2020

February 3, 2021

Le Policy Center for the New South organise un webinaire mercredi 3 février 2021 à 15h (GMT+1) consacré à la présentation de son Rapport Annuel sur l’Economie de l’Afrique 2020. A cette occasion, plusieurs auteurs du rapport présenteront le fruit de leurs recherches et analyses. L’Economie de l’Afrique 2020 est la deuxième édition du Rapport économique que le Policy Center for the New South consacre chaque année à notre continent. Dans cette nouvelle livraison, nous restons fidèles à la démarche suivie lors du lancement de cette initiative : contextualiser rigoureusement les performances économiques de l’Afrique ; appréhender les changements qui traversent les Communautés économiques régionales (CER) dans la voie de l’intégration africaine ; analyser les décisions prises par l’Organisation continentale dans la mise en œuvre de l’ambitieux projet de zone de Libre-Echange. Une démarche qui nous met au cœur des grandes questions de développement de l’Afrique, leur permanence, leur récurrence et leur nouveauté.

Larabi Jaïdi
Senior Fellow
Larabi Jaïdi is a Senior Fellow at the Policy Center for the New South and an Affiliate Professor at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University. His areas of expertise include international economy, economic policies, international economic relations, regional economies, social development, international relations, and Mediterranean studies. He also served on the Special Commission on the New Development Model of Morocco, a consultative body created in November 2019 to formulate the country's new developmental guidelines. Jaïdi is a former Professor at Mohamed V University in Rabat-Agdal and a founding member of both the Centre Marocain de Conjoncture and the Groupement d’Etudes et de Recherches sur la Méditerranée.   Prof. Jaïdi previously served as Advisor to the Prime Minister an ...
Mouhamadou Moustapha Ly
Economist, African Department of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Currently economist within the African Department of the International Monetary Fund in Washington DC, where he works on East African economies on various macroeconomic policy subjects and surveillance, he is also an affiliate professor of economics at Mohamed-6 Polytechnic university in Rabat (Morocco). Prior to that, Mouhamadou was senior economist at the Policy Center for the New South in Rabat (Morocco) working on development related issues and regional integration in the African continent. Mouhamadou also spent several years as assistant professor at Gaston Berger university in Saint-Louis (Senegal) and a lecturer at Auvergne university (France) and City university (London). He also worked as research fellow at the African Center for Statistics in the United Nations Econo ...
Nezha Alaoui M’hammdi
Senior Fellow
Mrs. Nezha Alaoui M’Hammdi is Senior Fellow at Policy Center for the New South (since 2020) and the current Ambassador of His Majesty the King of Morocco to Ethiopia and Djibouti since 2016. She has served as first Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Morocco after its return to the African Union by 2017, and to the Peace and Security Council of the AU (April 2018). She is currently Dean of the Council of Arab League Ambassadors to Ethiopia She also served from 2013 to 2016 as an Ambassador of Morocco to Ghana, Togo and Benin, being the first Moroccan female Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco in Africa. After joining the Moroccan Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Morocco in 1989, Mrs. Nezha Alaoui M’Hammdi served mainly in Italy and Ghana. During her assignment, from 2 ...
Amal El Ouassif
International Relations Specialist
Amal El Ouassif is an International Relations Specialist  at the Policy Center for the New South. Prior to this, she worked as a program coordinator at the Westminster Foundation for Democracy and served as a consultant in development policies with the office of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in Morocco. She is also a former bluebook trainee in the Directorate General of Employment Social Affairs and Inclusion in the European Commission in Brussels. Amal has a Master of Art in EU’s International Relations and Diplomacy Studies, from the College of Europe in Bruges and a Master in Development Studies from UPMF-Grenoble. Her area of interest include Africa- Europe cooperation and migration. ...
Muhammad ba
Enseignant Chercheur, Université Gaston Berger
Docteur en sciences économiques, Muhammad BA est spécialiste de l’économie du développement. Ses domaines de recherche en économie portent sur l’évaluation de la pauvreté multidimensionnelle, des inégalités et du bien-être notamment dans le cadre de l'approche par les capabilités d'Amartya Sen. Dans ses domaines, il est auteurs de plusieurs publications dans des revues avec comité de lecture. Il est actuellement enseignant-chercheur à l’Université Gaston Berger à la section d’Economie où il dispense entre autres les cours d'économie du développement, de comptabilité nationale et de macroéconomie. A côté de ses activités de recherche, Dr. Muhammad BA s’intéresse également à la transformation structurelle des pays africains. C’est en ce sens qu’il a travaillé pendant plus d’un ...


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    Sandra Polónia Rios
    Pedro da Motta Veiga
    April 21, 2017
    There is much room for deepening Brazil and Morocco’s bilateral economic relationship, in the fields of trade and investment flows. This is the main conclusion of the assessment of both countries external economic relations and of their bilateral trade and investment flows. This policy brief aims at presenting a roadmap for fostering bilateral economic relations, focusing on the avenues for a bilateral free trade agreement and for bilateral treaties on investment promotion. This app ...
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    Françoise Nicolas
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    Since the fall of the Derg regime in 1991, cordial relations have developed between China and Ethiopia, forming a positive political backdrop in front of which the two countries’ interests have increasingly converged. On the one hand, Ethiopia seeks to replicate the experience of East Asian countries such as Taiwan, Malaysia, or China and to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) in order to accelerate the development of its manufacturing capacities (in particular through an ambit ...
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    Coordonné par
    Zineb Bouba
    Appui technique: Pierre-Richard Agénor
    March 9, 2017
    Dans le sillage des débats actuels sur la contribution de la femme à la création de richesses, le présent ouvrage s’essaye d’y contribuer moyennant des approches méthodologiques innovantes couvrant plusieurs champs d’analyse conciliant l’égalité de genre, les politiques publiques et la croissance économique au Maroc. Il offre, ainsi, un diagnostic exhaustif de l’évolution des inégalités de genre en termes, notamment, d'accès à l'emploi, à l'éducation, à la santé, à l'infrastructure, ...
  • Authors
    Sandra Polónia Rios
    Pedro da Motta Veiga
    Eduardo Augusto Guimarães
    February 22, 2017
    Despite the sustained growth in the bilateral trade observed at the beginning of the Century, Moroccan – Brazilian economic relations are still going through what could be called the ‘shallow’ phase of relations between two middle-income countries. Trade is concentrated in a few products – those where both countries enjoy long lasting and natural comparative advantages – and face strong difficulties to diversify in terms of products and to upgrade towards more complex models of lin ...
  • Authors
    February 1, 2017
    L’analyse des relations commerciales entre le Maroc et l’Afrique subsaharienne fait ressortir un volume des échanges croissants, reflétant ainsi une dynamisation continue des leurs relations commerciales. Une tendance similaire est observée au niveau des investissements directs étrangers, qui ne cessent de croître au cours des dernières années, traduisant la volonté du Maroc à devenir un acteur majeur dans le développement du continent africain. Ce Policy Brief présente dans un prem ...
  • Authors
    February 1, 2017
    An analysis of trade relations between Morocco and sub-Saharan Africa indicates a growing volume of trade, reflecting a continuation of stimulated trade relations. A similar trend is observed in foreign direct investment (FDI), which has continued to grow in recent years, reflecting Morocco's determination to become a major player in the development of the African continent. This Policy Brief first presents trends in inter-regional trade between Morocco and sub-Saharan Africa, focus ...
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    Thomas Awazu Pereira da Silva
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    This year, under the patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, the OCP Policy Center (OCPPC) - in collaboration with the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMFUS) - hosted and organized the fifth Atlantic Dialogues, gathering over 300 high-level international public- and private-sector leaders from the Atlantic Basin to discuss cross-regional issues ranging from economic and social development, security and trade, to migration, resources, and energy. This year’s event, loca ...
  • Authors
    Vera Songwe
    December 23, 2016
    Regional economic integration across the world accelerates growth and development by bringing a wide array of benefits associated with enhanced political cooperation, increased intra-regional trade, and job creation. Regions that are more integrated have proven to grow faster and have shown greater resilience in times of global economic downturns. As the world economy struggles to return to the high growth levels of a decade ago, stimulating internal and regional growth has become t ...