Policy Center for the New South was live

December 15, 2018
Helmut Sorge
Helmut Sorge is a columnist at the Policy Center for the New South, where he publishes opinion pieces in the format of international press reviews of current events related to the Middle East and European affairs, and conducts interviews with high level policy makers and PCNS researchers. He is also a lecturer on journalism and the media. For over 40 years, Helmut Sorge served as a writer, former Foreign correspondent, Foreign editor, and Middle East expert for Germany's leading newsmagazine "Der Spiegel" to Washington, London, Paris and Los Angeles. He reported from Vietnam, the Middle East, wrote about safaris, nuclear accidents, visited prisoners on death row in the United States. The German weekly “Gala” summarized in 2011, when his latest book, a collection of biographies ...


  • December 15, 2017
    14:00 – 15:15 Plenary IX: Lessons from Foreign Military Interventions in Africa Location: Ballroom Moderator: Zeinab Badawi, Director, Kush Communications - Michel Duclos, French Diplomat and Senior Fellow, Institut Montaigne - Alessandro Minuto-Rizzo, President, Nato Defense College Fo...
  • December 15, 2017
    Moderator: Ian Lesser, Vice President, German Marshall Fund of the United States - Paolo Magri, Executive Vice President and Director, Italian Institute for International Political Studies - Chiedu Osakwe, Chief Trade Negotiator and Director-General, Nigerian Office for Trade Negotiatio...
  • December 14, 2017
    Moderator: André Caillé, Board Member, Junex - Eric Festa, Senior Vice President, LNG Business Development, Total - R. Andreas Kraemer, Founder & Chairman, Ecologic Institute - Thione Niang, Co-Founder of Akon Lighting Africa - Simone Tagliapietra, Research Fellow, Bruegel ...
  • December 14, 2017
    Moderator: Jordi Bacaria, General Director, Barcelona Centre for International Affairs - Newai Gebre-ab, Executive Director, Ethiopian Development Research Institute, former Chief Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister of Ethiopia - Paulo Neves, President, Institute for the Promotion of...
  • December 14, 2017
    Moderator: Lourival Sant’Anna, Columnist & Reporter, CBN/Estadão/Exame - Dominique Bocquet, General Finance and Economic Controller, Ministry of Finance, France - Moubarack Lo, Senior Visiting Fellow, OCP Policy Center - Jason Marczak, Director, Atlantic Council, Adrienne Arsht Lati...
  • December 14, 2017
    Moderator: John Yearwood, Executive Board Chairman, International Press Institute - Karen Donfried, President, The German Marshall Fund of the United States - Ana Palacio, Member, Council of State, Spain - Fathallah Sijilmassi, Secretary General, Union for the Mediterranean - Aminata To...
  • December 14, 2017
    Moderator: Sophie Bouillon, France-Press Agency, Lagos - Jorge Castañeda, Global Distinguished Professor, New York University - Daniel Hamilton, Executive Director, Center for Transatlantic Relations, Johns Hopkins University - Sunjoy Joshi, Director, Observer Research Foundation - Seth...