Les Mardis du PCNS 08/06/2021: حلقة خاصة : قراءة في النموذج التنموي الجديد

June 8, 2021

تقديم: إيمان لهريش، مسؤولة عن البرامج بمركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد تسيير: نزهة الشقروني، باحثة بارزة بمركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد المتدخلون: ادريس كسيكس، عضو باللجنة الخاصة بالنموذج التنموي عبد الله ساعف، باحث بارز بمركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد

Abdallah Saaf
Senior Fellow
Professor Abdallah Saaf is Senior Fellow at the Policy Center for the New South, Affiliate Professor at the Faculty of Governance, Economic and Social Sciences (FGSES) of the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), Professor Emeritus of Political Science at Mohammed V University in Rabat, and Director of the Center for Studies in Social Sciences Research (CERSS), as well as founder of the Moroccan Association of Political Science. His research focuses on political science, international relations, policies and development strategies as well as public policies. Professor Saaf was a member of the commission in charge of revising the Constitution in July 2011, and member of the Scientific Committee at the Global Forum for Humans rights. Professor Saaf was formerly Minister of ...
Nouzha Chekrouni
Senior Fellow
Dr. Nouzha Chekrouni is a Senior Fellow at the Policy Center for the New South. She has extensive experience in academia, diplomacy and political leadership.  She has served as His Majesty’s Ambassador to Canada (2009-2016), and Dean of the Council of Arab League Ambassadors to Canada (2015-2016). Dr. Chekrouni was Minister for the Moroccan Community Living Abroad (2002-2007), a Member of Parliament (2002-2007), and the Minister for Women and Social Issues (1998-2002). She holds a Bachelor Degree from the Philological Faculty at the University of Fez, a Post-Graduate Diploma and a PhD in Linguistics from the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle in Paris. Dr. Chekrouni has also completed a Certificate in Ethics and International Relations at Harvard University. She is a 2016 Senior F ...
Imane Lahrich
Head – Research Valorization
Imane Lahrich is the Head of Research Valorization Department, having previously served as a Partnerships & Research Support Officer at the Policy Center for the New South since 2019. She mainly worked on security-development related projects. She has experience as a Project Manager in a Strategic Intelligence firm (2017-2019) and as a research consultant in the MENA region, focusing on international development and the Rule of Law. Imane Lahrich holds a Master's in Political Studies and a Bachelor's in Political Science from Mohammed V University of Rabat. She also participated in a one-year exchange program at Masaryk University in the Czech Republic under the EMMAG MUNDUS Excellence scholarship.     ...


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