AuthorsFebruary 15, 2023China’s rate of economic growth has slowed. Chinese GDP ended 2022 up 3%, but this was the lowest growth rate in the last 40 years, except for 2020, the first year of the pandemic. In addition to problems in its real-estate sector, China’s severe ‘COVID zero’ confinement policy is one of the causes. The post-‘COVID zero’ reopening of the Chinese economy has improved its growth outlook. In the International Monetary Fund’s annual report on China, published in early February 2023, 5. ...
AuthorsSelassie TayFebruary 15, 2023Background The African Union in 2018 agreed to implement the world’s second-largest free-trade area measured by number of countries, people, and geographical size, with the signing of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA). This agreement will ultimately lead to a continent-wide free trade area consisting of 54 countries with 1.3 billion people and a combined GDP of $3.4 trillion[1]. This equates to about 19%-20% of the GDP of the European Union and China, which are ...
AuthorsFebruary 13, 2023The volatility in energy markets since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2019/2020 has continued, with unprecedented uncertainty about global energy supply developing over the course of 2022 in the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, against a backdrop of weakening macroeconomic conditions and high inflation. While some perceived this as a potential setback for the energy transition, others saw it as an opportunity to move away from fossil fuels and accelerate the developme ...
AuthorsFebruary 10, 2023Considering the current situation in Burkina Faso, the international media is speaking of institutional weakness and state failure in Africa and the role of international institutions and local non-state actors in providing security and public goods in the Sahel. The discourse of state failure and counter-state sovereignty has a decades-old genealogy, but recent work by African scholars has sought to contest top-down Western labels and categories. African attempts to decolonize soci ...
AuthorsFebruary 3, 2023As the introductory textbook to economics by Nobel Prize Paul Samuelson, who served several generations of students, including mine, said: “It is easy to teach economics to a parrot. Two words are enough: supply and demand”. These two factors suggest 2023 will be a year of upward trend for most commodity prices. Last year was marked by shocks and volatility in commodity prices, with two distinct moments. After the sharp rise in the first half, due to the invasion of Ukraine by Russ ...
AuthorsAbdelmonim AmcharaaHassnae MaadFebruary 1, 2023La double crise actuelle de l’énergie et du conflit militaire en Ukraine freine énormément les processus qui se développaient dans l’ère post-Covid 19. Dans ce contexte fragile et tourmenté, la vulnérabilité touche également les chaînes globales de valeur et les systèmes agroalimentaires. La vulnérabilité de la Chaîne Globale de Valeur (GVC) est une fonction de la capacité d’adaptation (CA) face aux chocs et aux impacts potentiels que présentent la fragmentation du ...
January 31, 2023كثيرا ما ركّزت التعليقات والتحليلات على الأسباب المباشرة وشبه المباشرة والظرفية والدولية ألتي أدت الى موجة التضخم التي يشهدها العالم. في هذه الحلقة من برنامج حديث الثلاثاء، نقترح رؤية اكاديمية وعلمية للمفهوم، مقسّمين الظاهرة الى أجزاء ومكوّنات مختلفة. كما ستركّز هذه الحلقة على المغرب با...
AuthorsJanuary 31, 2023This publication was originally published in The current transformation of the society under the influence of digital technologies has no historical analogue in terms of its spread and the pace of development. The future will heavily depend on digital technologies. The role of the digital economy and 5G technologies is increasing day by day and for Georgia, - as a developing country, it is important not to fall behind the ...
Akram Zaoui & Mahmoud ArbouchJanuary 31, 2023كثيرا ما ركّزت التعليقات والتحليلات على الأسباب المباشرة وشبه المباشرة والظرفية والدولية ألتي أدت الى موجة التضخم التي يشهدها العالم. في هذه الحلقة من برنامج حديث الثلاثاء، نقترح رؤية اكا ...
Youssef El Jai & Fahd AzeroualJanuary 27, 2023La fréquence et la gravité croissantes des crises économiques, financières et sanitaires au cours des dernières décennies ont soulevé d’importantes questions concernant la vulnérabilité m ...