Interview with Patrick Malope "Africa Think Tank Summit 2018"

May 11, 2018

Patrick Malope - Senior Research fellow, Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis. -----

Patrick Malope
Senior Research Fellow, Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis


  • Authors
    Fernando S. PEROBELLI
    Inácio F. ARAÚJO
    Tomás P. DENTINHO
    February 13, 2020
    Angola’s prospects for reconstruction and development of its poor connectivity infrastructure are heavily dependent upon the export performance of its oil sector. Using an interregional input-output table for Angola, we estimate comprehensive measures of trade in value added revealing different hierarchies of interregional and international trade integration, with implications for regional inequality in the country. By encompassing the subnational perspective in the case study of an ...
  • Authors
    Seleman Yusuph Kitenge
    February 12, 2020
    The internet of Things as a disruptive technology of the day and trend brings in a huge sense of connectivity and interaction not only between objects or devices, but also the workforce within institutions to amplify efficiency and productivity. This paper provides insights and perspectives of how institutions can bridge the digital divide with upskilling strategies which unlock an expert IoT workforce. Particularly, it focuses on AUDA – NEPAD scope of work areas such as Economic In ...
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  • Authors
    Seleman Yusuph Kitenge
    February 3, 2020
    In November 2019, as a veteran peace advocate, I had a rare opportunity to be invited to attend the 2nd Paris Peace Forum in France through the nomination of the Policy Center for the New South. This gathering was of high paramount for me considering my role as a peace advocate but also as a former member of the National Working Group in Prevention of Violent Extremism in Tanzania. As an invited guest I did not want to be part of every agenda of the forum so instead, I targeted spec ...
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    The Policy Center for the New South hosted a "Why Think Tanks Matter in Africa", in the framework of the annual Why Think Tanks Matter Forum, organized by the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program (TTCSP). The Why Think Tanks Matter events serve not only to demonstrate the value and i...
  • Authors
    January 30, 2020
    Increasingly, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) strengthens its position within the Arab region that is of strong geopolitical attributes. There has never been as much diplomatic and military activism in the UAE’s history as in the last decade. Such a situation raises major questions about the nature and the impact of the new strategic extension of the country. This article aims at discussing the determinants and objectives of the new strategic positioning of the UAE. A special focus w ...
  • Authors
    January 27, 2020
    « Evitez toujours les dérapages vers les chemins interdits en démocratie et en bonne gouvernance. Gardez-vous de succomber à la mélodie des sirènes révisionnistes, car si le peuple de Guinée vous a donné et renouvelé sa confiance, il demeure cependant légitimement vigilant. »1. Ces propos sont extraits de la déclaration prononcée, en 2015, par Kèlèfa Sall, alors président de la Cour constitutionnelle, à l’occasion de l’investiture du président Alpha Condé au titre de son second mand ...
  • Authors
    Patricia Ahanda
    January 24, 2020
    C’est l’image d’une femme qui s’élève au milieu de la foule et s’exprime pour demander la paix, pour appeler à la fin des violences et des conflits. C’est une image qui a fait le tour du monde, une image devenue virale, prise ici ou ailleurs, du Soudan au Liban. C’est la photographie de la nouvelle géopolitique mondiale où les femmes refusent d’être uniquement représentées en victimes mais, au contraire, s’affirment en leaders, dirigeantes, diplomates, assises à la table des négocia ...