This podcast is performed by Elena Sanchez. This briefing will discuss the new edition of the “Migrant Integration Policy Index” (MIPEX), updated in 2015. This Index tries to measure and ...
Policy Center for the New South and the German Marshall Fund of the United States, in partnership with the Fernando Henrique Cardoso Institute, organized an Atlantic Strategy Group confer ...
European stock markets are booming, and the European Commission has just upgraded its GDP growth forecasts for this year and next. In 2016, the eurozone could grow faster than the United States. And this is all happening even as the Greek drama approaches its cathartic moment, leading some to speculate that the euro crisis is nearing its end, with or without Greece. Is it?
To answer this vital question, ignore the politics for a moment and focus on economic fundamentals. A look at ...
This podcast is performed by Francis Ghilès. The general elections in the UK have resulted in conservatives making unexpected wins while the labor and other smaller parties, notwithstandi ...
Cette deuxième émission de la série Ifri-Policy Center for the New South Roundtables sur "les défis de l'émergence et le retour de la géopolitique" porte sur les défis de l’émergence auxq ...
Le Maroc dispose d’un espace maritime stratégique grâce auquel il peut renforcer ses attributs de puissance. Cet atout géopolitique et économique doit être porté par une véritable ambition nationale maritime. Quels sont les défis sécuritaires à surmonter et quelles sont les opportunités qui s’offrent aux Maroc sur le plan géopolitique? Autant de questions qui interpellent pouvoirs publics et think thanks nationaux.
A ce titre, OCP Policy Center organise un Colloque sur la façade at ...