Interview with Lettie Tembo Longwe "Africa Think Tank Summit 2018"

May 14, 2018

Lettie Tembo Longwe – Institute for Peace and Security



  • April 13, 2021
    Technologies and Big Data in Shaping African Public Services: Towards Efficient Digital Solutions for Africa Social Good Can technology and digitalization improve and enhance the value we get from public services? Data can change the experience that individuals get from a public service...
  • Authors
    April 12, 2021
    The COVID-19 Virus and the Liberation of Women It seems not much has changed in almost 400 years since Molière wrote these words in his comedy The school for wives. Male dominance, God-like characters, known as men, united in inexcusable discrimination, sexism, gender inequality, infallible men forever trying to rule the world. “A wife who writes, knows more than can be good for her”, Molière’s main character sighs in the play, insisting that female brightness as a rule “is a bad o ...
  • April 09, 2021
    C’est dans un contexte marqué à la fois par la crise sanitaire liée à la pandémie de COVID-19 et par l’émergence de nouvelles menaces à la paix et à la sécurité du continent africain que ...
  • Authors
    March 24, 2021
    This report is part of a partnership between the Policy Center for the New South and the Atlantic Council’s Africa Center.   New technologies, such as automation, artificial intelligence and industrial robots, are often seen as a real danger for existing jobs and also for future job-creation prospects. There is a perception that they will make work redundant and lead to massive job destruction. However, others believe that automation, like previous technological waves , will incre ...
  • Authors
    March 24, 2021
    Tillabéri region of Niger is witnessing unprecedented level of ethnic-based violence. The January 2 massacre caught the national and international actors’ attention, however; the event was preventable. Accessing communities through ethnically charged and other exploitative language has proved to be a game changer for the expansion of violent extremist organizations (VEOs) expansion since 2012. The failure of national and international actors to recognize the seriousness of the situa ...
  • March 17, 2021
    Cette étude concerne la Communauté économique des Etats d'Afrique de l'Ouest (CEDEAO), rappelant, tout d'abord, leur diversité géographique, démographique et économique. Montrant ce que ces Etats ont en commun mais, aussi, ce qui les différencie. La CEDEAO, qui réunit quinze pays parmi les plus pauvres de la planète, si on se réfère à leur PIB par habitant, en dollar courant ou en parité de pouvoir d'achat/PPA/. Ce qui explique une démographie explosive, sans que l'on puisse dire si ...
  • Authors
    Fernando S. Perobelli
    Inácio F. Araújo
    Tomaz P. Dentinho
    March 16, 2021
    Angola’s prospects for reconstruction and development of its poor connectivity infrastructure are heavily dependent upon the export performance of its oil sector. Using an interregional inputoutput table for Angola, we estimate comprehensive measures of trade in value added revealing different hierarchies of interregional and international trade integration, with implications for regional inequality in the country. By encompassing the subnational perspective in the case study of an ...
  • March 11, 2021
    This Policy Brief was drafted within a partnership with NATO Southern Hub (NSD-S Hub) and was originally published on NSD-S Hub website:  The Southern Hub | The Challenge of the Youth Bulge in Africa and the Middle East - Migration and The Brain Drain By 2050, the population of Africa is expected to double, the proportion of people in their working age is projected to increase sharply and a “youth bulge”, namely a relatively y 2050, the population of Africa is expected to double, ...
  • March 9, 2021
    يخصص مركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد حلقته الاسبوعية لحديث الثلاثاء لمناقشة أجندة الاتحاد الأفريقي بشأن الهجرة كبديل للأولويات الأوروبية في أفريقيا، رفقة أمل الوصيف، باحثة في العلاقات الدولية بمركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد. في حين أن الهجرة من إفريقيا تندرج ضمن أولويات السياسات ...