حديث الثلاثاء : ما بعد المرحلة الانتقالية: أي مستقبل ينتظر تشاد

August 6, 2024

في هذه الحلقة من برنامج "حديث الثلاثاء"، نسلط الضوء على أبرز التطورات التي شهدتها تشاد خلال السنوات الأخيرة، ونناقش مراحل الفترة الانتقالية التي انطلقت سنة 2021 و خاصة العودة إلى النظام الدستوري. كما نستعرض تفاصيل الانتخابات الرئاسية التي أجرت في مايو 2024، حيث نركز على التحديات المحتملة وآفاق السياسة الخارجية في ظل جهود الرئيس محمد ديبي لتطوير العلاقات الثنائية مع مختلف الشركاء

Oussama Tayebi
International Relations Specialist
Oussama Tayebi is an International Relations Specialist at the Strategic Analysis & Monitoring Unit of the Policy Center for the New South, where he primarily works on policy and governance issues in the subregion of Central Africa. Oussama holds a Licence degree in political science from the School of Governance and Economics in Rabat and a master’s degree in international relations from Sciences Po Aix. ...
Redouan Najah
International Relations Specialist
Redouan Najah is an International Relations Specialist in the Strategic Monitoring and Analysis Unit of the Policy Center for the New South. His areas of research and publications focus on cyberspace, cyber defense, cybersecurity, Central African countries, and China in Africa. Redouan joined the Policy Center for the New South research team in 2019. He holds a master's degree in Geopolitics and International Relations from Cadi Ayaad University, Marrakech, and a bachelor's degree in Economics and Management, from the Polydisciplinary Faculty, Béni-Mellal. ...


  • Authors
    August 17, 2022
    In May 2021, the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) report Net Zero by 2050 stated that there is no need for new investments in oil and gas fields in their net zero pathway[1]. The message was clear: place your next investments in clean energy sources and energy efficiency. However, the IEA’s Africa Energy Outlook 2022 stated that Africa’s industrialisation relies in expanding the use of natural gas[2]. Even the IEA executive director Fatih Birol said, “if we make a list of the top ...
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    Noureddine Jallal
    August 16, 2022
    Emmanuel Macron é été élu en 2017 président de la République, avec une majorité absolue de députés. Ces deux victoires (présidentielle et législative) ont été possibles grâce à une stratégie qui a consisté à saper le clivage gauche-droite et à construire une majorité présidentielle hybride. Lors de sa réélection en 2022, le paysage politique à bel et bien changé. Tout d’abord, le président de la République n’a pas réussi à avoir la majorité absolue. Les ...
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    August 15, 2022
    Kenyans headed to the polls on August 9 to elect their fifth president, along with county governors, members of the Senate, and National Assembly representatives. The elections took place in a context of growing challenges of rising commodity prices, and the recent developments over the maritime dispute in which the International Court of Justice ruled in favor of Somalia. The presidential race between William Ruto—former deputy minister in the past government—and Raila Odinga, the ...
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    Inácio F. Araújo
    Ademir Rocha
    Karina Sass
    August 12, 2022
    The Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, scaled up the ongoing conflict in Donbas beyond its regional borders, hindering and halting different aspects of economic life. Considering the internal geography of Ukraine’s economic structure, the damages to physical infrastructure and supply chain disruptions are likely to propagate to other parts of the country through an intricate plot of production and income linkages. From a disaggregated analysis of multiregional and mul ...
  • Authors
    August 11, 2022
    Le rôle de la Cedeao (Communauté économique des États de l’Afrique de l’Ouest) dans la gestion des conflits ayant eu lieu à la fin du 20ème siècle et au début du 21ème siècle revêt une importance capitale. Dès sa création, l’organisation régionale représentait le symbole de l’avancement démocratique dans ses pays membres mais elle doit aujourd’hui faire face à un recul en termes de gouvernance démocratique et d’influence. Elle s’est imposée comme étant la plus av ...
  • Authors
    August 11, 2022
    On these islands, writers and poets, and painters discovered unspoiled paradise, including promiscuous adolescent girls, which Paul Gauguin captured on canvass, his work admired by global art collectors until the French icon was accused of pedophilia- a century late, the beauties on the tableau seem to the self-appointed, global morality brigades to be children, or, who knows, young ladies suffering anorexia. The islands of the South Pacific, or Pacific in general, seemingly lost in ...
  • Authors
    August 10, 2022
    Les énergies fossiles (pétrole, charbon, gaz naturel) ne sont plus à la mode, compte tenu de leur très importante responsabilité dans le changement climatique. Les appels en vue de leur disparition (progressive) se multiplient mais ces combustibles représentent encore un peu plus de 80 % de la consommation mondiale d’énergie primaire (83 % en 2021, selon la BP Statistical Review of World Energy). Et de nombreux projets sont en cours de développement à travers le monde. En Afrique, l ...