Hassan Abaach,Senior Advisor Electricity at OME/Paris

September 30, 2014

Hassan Abaach,Senior Advisor Electricity at OME/Paris (Observatoire Méditerranéen de l’Energie) at the International Seminar on Morocco’s Role in Fostering Euro-Mediterranean Energy Cooperation

Hassan Abaach
Senior Advisor Electricity at OME/Paris
Hassan Abaach has been Senior Advisor Electricity at OME/Paris (Observatoire Méditerranéen de l’Energie) since January 2013. Over 35 years of professional experience in ONEE/Morocco ( the National Office of Electricity and drinking water of Morocco) in the planning, management, operation of the national electricity system, Risk Management, the fuel supply/gas, development and management of insurance contracts: - 2010 –  2012   :   Risk management Director ONEE/Morocco - 2007 –  2010    :    System Operator  Director/ ONEE/Morocco - 2000 – 2007    : Electrical System Division Head /ONEE/Morocco Membership of professional bodies: - Member, IESOE (Electrical Interconnections South West of Europe) - President, CIM (Commission of Electricity interconnections Maghreb) - Depu ...


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  • September 30, 2014
    Hassan Abaach,Senior Advisor Electricity at OME/Paris (Observatoire Méditerranéen de l’Energie) at the International Seminar on Morocco’s Role in Fostering Euro-Mediterranean Energy Cooperation ...