( FR ) Plenary IV: Technology, Welfare and Inequality

December 13, 2019

Moderator Sarah Glover, Manager of Social Strategy, NBC Owned Television Stations Speakers Bruno Boccara, Founder, Socio-Analytic Dialogue María Teresa Fernández de la Vega, President, Council of State, Spain Serigne Gueye Diop, Minister Advisor to the President of the Republic, Senegal Sunjoy Joshi, Chairman, Observer Research Foundation – ORF



  • Authors
    Yonas Adeto
    Thomas Gomart
    Paolo Magri
    Greg Mills
    Karin Von Hippel
    Guntram Wolff
    April 9, 2020
    Covid-19 should change global politics. The speed and scale of its transmission, and the severity of its impact is not, we know now, to our cost. As the virus rapidly tracks people vectors worldwide, the control of its impact is inextricably linked to the availability of resources and depth of governance. For these reasons, global leaders should focus on its impact among the most vulnerable, and in particular in Africa. Just three months ago, on 31 December 2019, Chinese authoritie ...
  • Authors
    Yonas Adeto
    Thomas Gomart
    Paolo Magri
    Greg Mills
    Karin Von Hippel
    Guntram Wolff
    April 9, 2020
    Il coronavirus promette di cambiare la politica globale. La velocità e la portata del contagio, così come la gravità del suo impatto, non sono fake news, come abbiamo già imparato a nostre spese. Il virus si diffonde rapidamente nel mondo, passando da persona a persona, e il contenimento delle sue conseguenze è indissolubilmente legato alla disponibilità di risorse e al buon funzionamento dei meccanismi di governance. Per queste ragioni, i leader globali dovrebbero porre molta atten ...
  • Authors
    Yonas Adeto
    Thomas Gomart
    Paolo Magri
    Greg Mills
    Karin Von Hippel
    Guntram Wolff
    April 9, 2020
    Alors que le coronavirus se propage à travers le monde, la capacité d’atténuer son impact est liée aux ressources disponibles et à l’efficacité des autorités publiques. Voilà pourquoi il nous paraît primordial que les dirigeants internationaux se concentrent sur les conséquences de la pandémie sur les plus vulnérables, en particulier en Afrique. Il y a trois mois, le 31 décembre, les autorités chinoises informaient le bureau de Pékin de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) d’u ...
  • Authors
    Salma Daoudi
    April 8, 2020
    The coronavirus pandemic represents a turning point in security studies, shedding light on the importance of the health of populations for sustaining the political, economic, and social health of the nation-state. Playing a role akin to the 9/11 events in propelling terrorism at the forefront of the global security agenda, COVID-19 reshuffles national security priorities. As such, the securitization of health has allowed the implementation of drastic exceptional measures aimed at co ...
  • Authors
    April 7, 2020
    Le monde : ‘’Une société de crise’’ La multiplication de catastrophes naturelles et la montée de leur probabilité d’occurrence, la répétition des crises de tous genres (économiques, politiques, sociales et sécuritaires) et l’interdépendance accrue, du fait de la mondialisation, ont mis au premier plan le facteur de la résilience[1]. En effet, il ne s’agit plus d’évaluer le risque ou de l’anticiper, tellement sa probabilité d’occurrence s’est accrue, mais surtout de limiter les dégâ ...
  • Authors
    Mouhamadou Moustapha Ly
    April 7, 2020
    Le Covidonomics est la branche de l’analyse économique qui s’intéresse aux mécanismes par lesquels la pandémie affecte les économies du monde ainsi que les réponses de politiques économiques qui puissent répondre aux défis inhérents à la propagation du Covid-19. */ La présente contribution propose des réponses de politiques économiques et sanitaires qui soient contextualisées suivant trois périodes. La crise sanitaire Covid-19, au même titre que l’angoissante question du changemen ...
  • April 07, 2020
    Les Etats-Unis traversent une crise sanitaire et économique qui remettent en cause les enjeux du scrutin présidentiel du 3 novembre 2020. Au cœur de la tempête, Donald Trump, qui en refus ...
  • Authors
    April 6, 2020
    The global reach of COVID-19 is now clear. In a short time, country after country has suffered outbreaks of the new coronavirus, with each facing a three-fold shock: epidemiologic, economic, and financial. In addition to dealing with their own local coronavirus outbreaks, emerging market and developing countries have faced additional shocks from abroad. Flattening pandemic curves saves lives The coronavirus crisis is primarily a public health issue, demanding containment policies ...
  • Authors
    Youssef El Jai
    April 1, 2020
    « Economists have a bad track record in predictions, so I will not try my hand at predicting the effect of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) on the global financial system or the global economy. » Thorsten Beck */ /*-->*/ /*-->*/ Comme le dit si bien Thorsten Beck, il serait illusoire de prévoir à ce stade, compte tenu de l’information disponible, un impact chiffré de la crise sur l’économie. A l’issue de son Conseil du17 mars 2020, Bank Al-Maghrib a annoncé une baisse du taux d ...
  • Authors
    Carolina Zuheill Rosales
    April 1, 2020
    The Multidimensional Poverty Index provided for the UNDP (United Nations Developed Program) looks beyond monetary income and shows how poverty is the experience of multiple and simultaneous deprivations. People can fall behind in terms of health, education, and living standards, with challenges including lack of access to drinking water, sanitation, adequate nutrition, or primary education. Those who are deprived of at least one third of the index’s components are classified as mult ...