Evolving Threats in Intelligence and Security

December 20, 2023

John Sawers, former Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6), shares his insights on how security threats have evolved with the rise of digital technologies and social media. In this interview, he offers a compelling exploration of the shift from traditional methods to contemporary security challenges. Sawers examines how intelligence approaches have adapted to address new threats, including the influence of social media on democratic processes and the evolving global geopolitical landscape. The discussion provides An insightful analysis of the current dynamics in intelligence work and highlights the critical issues facing intelligence services in an increasingly interconnected and digital world.


  • Authors
    August 26, 2018
    After a successful first edition, the second edition of the African Peace and Security Annual Conference (APSACO) took place in Rabat on June 18-19, 2018.  This year’s edition focused on the prospects and opportunities of the peace and security spectrum, ranging from prevention to stabilization, while exploring ways to effectively protect the most vulnerable.  Researchers, diplomats, military personnel, and representatives of think tanks, civil society and the private sector from s ...
  • Authors
    August 15, 2018
    “I DO NOT BELIEVE IN ISIS. I JUST WANT TO GO HOME” It was a cage. A size large enough to transport six sheep to the market. The cage was made out of wood, possibly the local carpenter was praised for his work by the President of the court.  Wood is difficult to find these days, wood to resist the fury of a human being, forced to stand in the cage and listen to the verdict for his or her crime -- death by hanging, or life in prison. The woman standing in the cage on one of these hot ...
  • Authors
    Malik Abaddi
    August 8, 2018
    The African Union goes to Mauritania Under the theme “Winning the Fight Against Corruption”, the 31st Summit of the African Union was held in early July in the desert capital Nouakchott. In a bitter prelude in late June, the AU’s commitment to this central theme was dealt a blow with the sudden – and public – resignation of Ghana’s Daniel Batidam from the AU Advisory Board on Corruption. Off to a rocky start, the summit had an even rougher road ahead of it.  A month before the lau ...
  • Authors
    Tristan Coloma
    Benjamin Augé
    July 27, 2018
    Arrivé au pouvoir le 2 avril 2018, le premier ministre Ethiopien Abiy Ahmed Ali, issu de la majorité oromo, a été imposé à une minorité tigréenne ayant cadenassé les postes à la tête de l'Etat, depuis la domination politique de la coalition de l'Ethiopian Peoples' Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) en 1991. Chef de l'Oromia Urban Development and Housing Bureau en charge des programmes de construction dans sa région, ainsi que vice-président de cette région peuplée de plus de 30 ...
  • Authors
    Sabine Cessou
    July 20, 2018
    Lors d’un séminaire, organisé par l’OCP Policy Center, le 20 juin 2018, à Rabat, des experts du jihad dans le Sahel se sont posé la question de l’extension ou du recul de ces groupes armés. La première partie du compte-rendu des discussions a été publiée ici. Selon Lemine Ould Salem, journaliste mauritanien et auteur de plusieurs livres sur le terrorisme dans le Sahel, « il n’existe pas historiquement de jihad sahélien, même si des épisodes historiques du jihad se sont déroulés sur ...
  • Authors
    July 19, 2018
    Recep Tayyip Erdogan was humming and he had reason to feel joyful. His people had entrusted him with reforming their constitution, which would give him more power, incredible power. Possibly, he could realize his dream after all, the revival of the Ottoman Empire. Such Turkish power last seen in the era of Osman I at the end of the 13th century in northern Anatolia. A neo-Ottoman, is it a vision of a megalomaniac? Would Saudi Arabia ever be willing to be ruled by a Turk? A Turk who ...
  • Authors
    Lemine Ould M. Salem
    July 5, 2018
    Cinq ans et demi après l’intervention militaire internationale conduite par la France pour chasser les jihadistes du nord du Mali, l’ancien Soudan français s’apprête à organiser une élection présidentielle censée accélérer le processus de paix issu des accords inter-maliens négociés à Alger et signés à Bamako en juin 2015. « Un scrutin décisif”, soutient en marge de l’African Peace and Security Annual Conference (APSACO), organisé les 18 et 19 juin 2018 à Rabat au Maroc par l’OCP P ...
  • Authors
    June 29, 2018
    Not far from highway 95, near a town named Lathrop Wells, only one establishment, besides the petrol station, was known to the rough cowboys and joyless soldiers of the nearby nuclear testing site, and that was “Mabel’s whore house”, advertised as such without shame and ready to accept credit cards. Luigi Raugi, a legal immigrant (from Sicily), as it is wise to insist these repressing days of  American immigrant bashing, was running the local drugstore and really excited, as were t ...
  • Authors
    Sabine Cessou
    June 28, 2018
    Qui sont les groupes jihadistes actifs dans le Sahel, vaste région de 3 millions de kilomètres carrés ? Quels sont leurs objectifs, leurs moyens d'action et comment évoluent-ils ? Quelles sont les solutions en cours pour faire face à ces groupes ?  Les experts réunis lors du séminaire sur le Jihad au Sahel, organisé le 20 juin à Rabat par l’OCP Policy Center, ont tenté de répondre à ces questions.  Recul ou extension ?  La thèse du recul a été posée par une source française. Entre ...