( EN ) Plenary VI: Refugees: Protection and Integration

December 13, 2019

Moderator Vera Kwakofi, Editor, Africa TV, BBC Speakers Abdoullah Coulibaly, President, Bamako Forum Richard Danziger, Regional Director for West & Central Africa, International Organization for Migration – IOM Birame Diop, Special Chief of Staff to the President of the Republic Tesfahun Gobezay Kinfie, State Minister, National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister, Ethiopia Angel Losada, EU Special Representative for the Sahel, European Union

Angel Losada
Ambassador, EU Special Representative for the Sahel
Angel Losada (Bern, 1953) is a Spanish diplomat who serves as EU Special Representative for the Sahel. He graduated in Law at the University of Navarre with Honours. He started his career at NATO when Spain joined the organisation and has a wide experience in multilateral affairs after his relevant posts in the Spanish Mission to the UN (1990-93) and NATO itself (1996-2000). He has also worked in conflict situations after serving as Spanish Ambassador to the ISAF Command Chain in Afghanistan after the end of the war (2004-2005). Mr Losada occupied other significant post in the Spanish Diplomatic Service such as Ambassador in Nigeria (2006-11) and Kuwait (2011-14). After working as Spanish Ambassador at Large for Libya and the Sahel, he was named EU Special Representative for ...


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