The Egyptian & Ethiopian perspectives on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam

September 11, 2020

Discover the 4th Chapter of the Annual Report on Africa’s Geopolitics 2020 on the Egyptian & Ethiopian perspectives on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, with Sara Mokaddem, International Relations Specialist at the Policy center, and Nihal El Mquirmi, Researcher in International Relations at the Policy Center for the New South The 2011 announcement of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam’s construction came at a critical time, as Egypt was in the midst of a revolution and relations between Egypt and Ethiopia were already tense. Despite initial Egyptian threats of undertaking military action, Ethiopia pursued the construction of what has been presented as an essential part of its national and, to some extent, regional development. Tensions between the Sudan, Egypt and Ethiopia have been extremely high for the past years, and despite having met several times, negotiations are at a deadlock. This chapter explores the Egyptian and Ethiopian perspectives on the issue, and analyses the points of contention and technical aspects that have impeded the two countries from finding a common solution. Read more about it : This chapter was originally published in "Rapport annuel sur la géopolitique de l’Afrique - 2020" :éopolitique-de-lafrique-2020

Sara Hasnaa Mokaddem
Manager - Strategic Monitoring & Analysis Unit
Sara Mokaddem is the Manager of the Strategic Monitoring & Analysis Unit at the Policy Center for the New South. Prior to that, she has worked as a research analyst in charge of specific due-diligence reporting and risk analysis on private placements for a London-based investment fund focused on the mining and energy sectors. She has also worked with firms and individuals on attaining FCA authorization and regulation in the United Kingdom. Her previous professional experience includes a position as a visiting researcher at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) in 2011 and 2012 where she has produced research on the post-revolutionary situation in Tunisia and Libya and on the security of the Sahel. Having written modules on corporate forensics and on employee protectio ...
Nihal El Mquirmi
International Relations Specialist
Nihal El Mquirmi is an International Relations Specialist within the Department of Research in International Relations at the Policy Center for the New South. Her research focuses on North Africa, the gender-security nexus and the use of Private Military and Security Companies. Nihal joined the Policy Center for the New South in March 2019 following the completion of her M.A. in International Security at the University of Warwick, and her B.A. Hons in International Relations from Complutense University of Madrid. Prior to joining the Policy Center, Nihal interned at the General Consulate of Morocco in Brussels and at the Mission of Morocco to the European Union. ...


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