December 14, 2017Moderator: Jordi Bacaria, General Director, Barcelona Centre for International Affairs - Newai Gebre-ab, Executive Director, Ethiopian Development Research Institute, former Chief Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister of Ethiopia - Paulo Neves, President, Institute for the Promotion of...
December 14, 2017...
December 14, 2017Moderator: Lourival Sant’Anna, Columnist & Reporter, CBN/Estadão/Exame - Dominique Bocquet, General Finance and Economic Controller, Ministry of Finance, France - Moubarack Lo, Senior Visiting Fellow, OCP Policy Center - Jason Marczak, Director, Atlantic Council, Adrienne Arsht Lati...
December 14, 2017Moderator: John Yearwood, Executive Board Chairman, International Press Institute - Karen Donfried, President, The German Marshall Fund of the United States - Ana Palacio, Member, Council of State, Spain - Fathallah Sijilmassi, Secretary General, Union for the Mediterranean - Aminata To...
December 14, 2017Moderator: Sophie Bouillon, France-Press Agency, Lagos - Jorge Castañeda, Global Distinguished Professor, New York University - Daniel Hamilton, Executive Director, Center for Transatlantic Relations, Johns Hopkins University - Sunjoy Joshi, Director, Observer Research Foundation - Seth...
December 13, 2017- Lilia Rizk, OCP Policy Center - Yassir Essyagi, OCP Policy Center ...
December 13, 2017Moderator: Alan Kasujja, Presenter, BBC News - Uri Dadush, Senior Fellow, OCP Policy Center - Yang Guang, General Director, Institute for West-Asian and African Studies, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences - Laoye Jaiyeola, CEO, Nigerian Economic Summit Group - Miguel Angel Moratinos...
AuthorsDecember 13, 2017Le rapport Atlantic Currents 2017 sort en marge de la 6ème édition des Atlantic Dialogues, conférence de haut niveau organisée annuellement au Maroc par l’OCP Policy Center et ayant comme mission de promouvoir le dialogue transatlantique entre toutes les parties prenantes de cet espace géostratégique (Afrique, Caraïbes, Europe, Amérique latine et États-Unis), un dialogue devenu nécessité vu les changements rapides survenus de tous les côtés de l'Atlantique au cours des dernières ann ...