In this interview with Dr. Jeffrey Kaplan, Senior Researcher, Danube Institute, Hungary, we explore the understanding of counterterrorism, focusing on terrorist recruitment processes and effective countermeasures. We examine the mechanisms of recruitment, strategies in counterterrorism efforts, and methods for identifying targeted groups and leveraging recruitment networks.
February 8, 2022مع أكرم زاوي، باحث في العلاقات الدولية ، مركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد ...
AuthorsSeleman Yusuph KitengeDecember 1, 2021Tanzania has been closely following the evolution of the security situation in the region of Cabo Delgado in Mozambique. Worsening living conditions and safety in this bordering region suggest the eruption of a multifaceted security and human threat of transnational magnitude. This paper looks at the different cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic ties that link Tanzania and Mozambique, while exploring how the security situation in Cabo Delgado might impact national security in T ...
AuthorsNovember 9, 2021Events in the Sahel, and Mali especially, are taking an uncertain and worrying turn. Mali witnessed two coups d’état in less than a year, while the West African Sahel went through its most violent year yet and there are no signs that the violence is slowing down. In the midst of this unprecedented instability, recent developments involving Mali’s transitional government and the international community, France in particular, provide no assurances that things are likely to improve any ...
AuthorsNovember 2, 2021In the Sahel, and Central Mali in particular, the proliferation of armed groups over the past decade has resulted in formal and informal non-state governance structures. This paper assesses the various definitions and typologies associated with rebel and jihadist governance in order to better understand the mechanisms of governance provision used by key non-state governance providers in Central Mali. ...
October 29, 202114h00 – 15h00: Session II - L’Indo-Pacifique : contours et enjeux Panel 3 : Contours géoéconomiques et géopolitiques Modérateur: Jamal Machrouh, Senior Fellow, Policy Center for the New South Intervenants: - L’AUKUS - Amiral Alain Oudot de Dainville, Ancien Chef d’État-Major de la Mar...
October 29, 202109h00 – 09h15 Mots d’ouverture Karim El Aynaoui, Président Exécutif, Policy Center for the New South Pascal Chaigneau, Directeur du Centre HEC de Géopolitique 09h15 – 10h15 : Session I - L’impuissance de la puissance Panel 1 : L’Afghanistan, un sanctuaire pour les djihadistes ? Modéra...
AuthorsPascal ChaigneauEugène BergRodolphe MonnetJacques GravereauJérémy GhezOlivier TramondNiagalé BagayokoAlain Oudot de DainvilleJérôme EvrardCoordination de l’ouvrage: Imane LahrichFatine CherkaouiOctober 28, 2021Depuis l’accession au trône du Roi Mohammed VI, l’Afrique s’est transformée en priorité de la diplomatie marocaine. Sur le plan économique, l’Afrique est devenue le prolongement naturel du Maroc en termes d’investissements et d’implantations. Pascal Chaigneau s’attarde sur les relations affaiblies Europe-Afrique, l’ambitieuse relation Chine-Afrique ainsi que les relations entre la Russie, les Etats-Unis, la Turquie ou encore les pays du Golf et l’Afrique. Ce chapitre traite égalemen ...
Nihal El Mquirmi & Alain Antil (IFRI)October 15, 2021La bande sahélo-saharienne connaît, depuis quelques années, une instabilité liée à plusieurs facteurs: le terrorisme, les effets du changement climatique, les tensions ethniques et commun ...
September 23, 2021The Policy Center for the New South (PCNS) is organizing a public debate titled "Thriving on uncertainty: COVID-19 related opportunities for terrorist groups” on Thursday, September 23rd, 2021 at 3pm GMT+1. This webinar is the result of a Joint Policy Study, coordinated by our Senior Fe...
AuthorsJohannes ClaesKars de BruijneSophie MertensEman RagabClara-Auguste SüßSeptember 20, 2021The COVID-19 pandemic has had a cataclysmic impact on all aspects of the functioning of our world. The relevance of the possibility of the spread of a global virus with the spread of terrorism is not immediately obvious as it is difficult for a direct causal link to be scientifically established. However, taking into consideration how state responses and pre-existing socioeconomic grievances can be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic can lead to innovative findings on how terrorist gr ...