TV Program, Policy Center for the New SouthJune 22, 2015Policy Center for the New South and the German Marshall Fund of the United States, in partnership with the Fernando Henrique Cardoso Institute, organized an Atlantic Strategy Group confer ...
AuthorsJune 11, 2015This policy paper provides a comprehensive strategy to help African and international decisionmakers successfully mobilize financial resources and effectively build capacity for improved implementation of the post-2015 development agenda. It discusses the relevance and efficient use of a wide range of tools that can be adopted by development actors, depending on their specific context and goals. Actors evaluated include African countries and regional institutions, “North-South” coun ...
AuthorsJune 8, 2015European stock markets are booming, and the European Commission has just upgraded its GDP growth forecasts for this year and next. In 2016, the eurozone could grow faster than the United States. And this is all happening even as the Greek drama approaches its cathartic moment, leading some to speculate that the euro crisis is nearing its end, with or without Greece. Is it? To answer this vital question, ignore the politics for a moment and focus on economic fundamentals. A look at ...
AuthorsJune 1, 2015The financialization of commodity chains has its origins far beyond the increased participation of investment funds on the futures markets. It should basically be understood as the consequence of the progressive inability of players that make up these commodity chains to jointly manage price risk resulting from the transfer of product from upstream to downstream. This dynamic has emerged since the late 1970s, but it is likely that the current drop in prices, if it proved sustainable ...
AuthorsJune 1, 2015La financiarisation des filières de matières premières trouve ses origines bien au-delà de la participation accrue des fonds d’investissement sur les marchés « futures ». Elle doit fondamentalement se comprendre comme la conséquence de l’incapacité progressive des acteurs qui les composent à gérer en commun le risque de prix qui découle du transfert du produit, de l’amont vers l’aval. Cette dynamique s’est affirmée depuis la fin des années 1970, mais il est probable que la chute act ...
Francis GhilèsMay 26, 2015This podcast is performed by Francis Ghilès. The general elections in the UK have resulted in conservatives making unexpected wins while the labor and other smaller parties, notwithstandi ...
TV Program, Policy Center for the New SouthMay 22, 2015Cette deuxième émission de la série Ifri-Policy Center for the New South Roundtables sur "les défis de l'émergence et le retour de la géopolitique" porte sur les défis de l’émergence auxq ...