In this interview with François Reybet-Degat, we explore the complex challenges and strategies involved in managing and mitigating refugee situations, especially in conflict-affected areas. We discuss how various regions, including both state and non-state actors, respond to the influx of refugees, taking into account political, economic, and social factors. The conversation also covers international cooperation, humanitarian aid, and policy frameworks designed to offer support and sustainable solutions for displaced populations. Reybet-Degat’s insights illuminate the intricacies of regional responses and the efforts to coordinate effective assistance and integration strategies.
December 8, 2022In this brand new episode of Africafé, Iván Martín, Senior Fellow at the Policy Center for the New South shares his insights and recommendations on the current situation of Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons in Africa, in a conversation with Amal El Ouassif, Specialist in Inter...
AuthorsNovember 24, 2022This chapter was originally published in the book "Africa–Europe Cooperation and Digital Transformation", co-edited by Chux Daniels, Benedikt Erfoth, and Chloe Teevan Since the mid-2010s, North African countries have been pursuing what some observers have called a “return to Africa” (Dworkin, 2020). Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia have attempted to position themselves as major components of Europe- Mediterranean-Africa infrastructure and supply chains corridors (Tanchum, 2020). The thr ...
November 15, 2022يتزامن هذا اليوم، 15 نونبر 2022، مع تجاوز عتبة 8 مليارات نسمة، ويمكن أن يصل هذا العدد إلى 10 مليارات في عام 2050. ومع ذلك، فإن النمو السكاني يتباطأ من عام إلى آخر على المستوى الدولي على الرغم من أن نسب الخصوبة والولادات متباينة بحسب المناطق. في هذا الإطار، قامت بعض البلدان، بمرور الوقت ...
October 27, 2022Depuis 2016, le Policy Center for the New South et le Centre de Géopolitique de l’école HEC Paris organisent chaque année deux éditions des « Dialogues Stratégiques ». Cette plateforme d’analyse et d’échange réunit des experts, des chercheurs provenant de différents think-tanks et du mo...
October 27, 2022Dans cette édition spéciale, le Général Mohamed Znagui Sid’Ahmed Ely décrypte les approches de contre terrorisme au niveau national et régional et appuie sur l'importance des approches collectives tel que le G5 Sahel pour l'endiguement de l'expansion de la menace terroriste. ...
AuthorsAlain Oudot de DainvilleEmmanuel VéronEugène BergJacques GravereauJeremy GhezRodolphe MonnetSonia Le GouriellecThierry GarcinOctober 25, 2022Les Dialogues stratégiques, une collaboration entre le HEC Center for Geopolitics et le Policy Center for the New South représentent une plateforme d'analyse et d'échange biannuelle réunissant des experts, des praticiens, des décideurs politiques ainsi que le monde universitaire et les médias au service d'une réflexion critique et approfondie sur les tendances politiques mondiales et les grandes questions d'importance commune pour l'Europe et l'Afrique. Cette publication est issue ...
Soukaina El Majidi, Redouan Najah & Céline PajonOctober 21, 2022Le Japon veut réaffirmer sa présence en Afrique, faisant appel à de nombreux et différents mécanismes de coopération à la fois bilatéraux : la JICA, les FAD, et multilatéraux : TICAD. La ...
AuthorsOctober 12, 2022A merchant ship passed Turkey’s Bosphorus Strait on its way from Syria to Russia late last month, observed “Bloomberg”( August 9, 2022), transporting military equipment, including trucks, documented by satellite imagery. The “Sparta II”, a cargo ship leased by Oboronlogistika to the Russian military, was on its way from Tartus to the Black Sea harbor Novorosslysk. No tanks were sighted, or Russian fighter jets, just these trucks, but the moderate value of the cargo, noted Bloom ...
Imane Lahrich et Mathilde VellietOctober 07, 2022La politique de fermeté envers la Chine adoptée par les administrations Trump et Biden a – et aura de plus en plus – des conséquences importantes pour les alliés de Washington sur le plan ...
September 23, 2022Relations between Rabat and Seoul have been in a state of considerable flux in every aspect since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries in July 1962. The Korean embassy in Rabat is Seoul's first permanent diplomatic representation on the African continent. ...