In this interview, with Mr.Carlos Alexandre Monteiro Reis, Head of the Rabat Programme Office, UNOCT, Morocco, we discuss the current efforts being undertaken to counteract the radicalization of extremist movements, as well as the need for enhanced cooperation to support impoverished and less educated regions. We explore the connection between extremism and socioeconomic conditions, examining how collaboration can effectively address and mitigate these phenomena.
AuthorsJanuary 10, 2015La chute des prix pétroliers observée depuis le milieu de l’année 2014 s’explique par la conjonction d’un excès d’offre et par une insuffisance de la demande dans un contexte économique mondial morose. Le niveau des prix ne peut cependant être la seule variable à prendre en compte dans une analyse prospective des effets macroéconomiques de cette baisse : structure par terme et volatilité des prix constituent ici des éléments explicatifs fondamentaux. ...
AuthorsJanuary 10, 2015The fall in oil prices since mid-2014 is due to the combination of excess supply and a lack of demand in a sluggish global economy. However, the price level cannot be the only variable to consider in a prospective analysis of the macroeconomic effects of this drop: futures structure and price volatility are fundamental explanatory elements. ...
Dhruva JaishankarDecember 18, 2014This podcast is performed by Dhruva Jaishankar. India has had several stages to its foreign policy since its independence. This included active international engagements in the 1950s, iso ...
TV Program, Policy Center for the New SouthDecember 02, 2014A l’occasion de la table ronde organisée en partenariat avec l’IFRI sur le défi du retour des pays émergents sur la scène géopolitique tenue le mardi 02 décembre 2014 à Policy Center for ...
Andrew SmallDecember 01, 2014This podcast is performed by Andrew Small. This podcast addresses a series of macro-trends the Chinese economy has been experiencing these past years. It also presents China’s relationshi ...