In this interview, with Mr.Carlos Alexandre Monteiro Reis, Head of the Rabat Programme Office, UNOCT, Morocco, we discuss the current efforts being undertaken to counteract the radicalization of extremist movements, as well as the need for enhanced cooperation to support impoverished and less educated regions. We explore the connection between extremism and socioeconomic conditions, examining how collaboration can effectively address and mitigate these phenomena.
Elena SanchezJuly 14, 2015This podcast is performed by Elena Sanchez. This briefing will discuss the new edition of the “Migrant Integration Policy Index” (MIPEX), updated in 2015. This Index tries to measure and ...
AuthorsJuly 10, 2015Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has already completed two notable labors. First, he led his radical left-wing Syriza party to an improbable election victory in January 2015. Then, also improbably, he won a resounding no vote in a referendum on July 5 on accepting the terms of Greece’s international creditors for a new bailout package. According to Greek mythology, there are ten more labors to go, and indeed, it will probably take that many to redeem the Greek economy. Tsipras’s ...
AuthorsKarim EL MOKRIJuly 6, 2015« Les asymétries et l’instabilité du marché des matières premières dans les pays en développement : politiques et impacts sur le développement », une problématique d’un intérêt particulier pour ces pays, a fait l’objet d’un séminaire de recherche organisé par la Fondation pour les Etudes et Recherches sur le Développement International (Ferdi), les 24 et 25 juin 2015 à Clermont-Ferrand. Cet évènement a été tenu la veille du workshop co-organisé par la Ferdi et OCP Policy Center le 2 ...
July 1, 2015Otaviano CANUTO, Executive Director at the International Monetary Fund, Previous Senior Adviser on BRICS Economies at the World Bank ...