AD Talks 2020: Latin America in the post-Covid World: A Discussion with Former Presidents
Latin America is immersed in a new world reality: the daily coexistence with the COVID-19 pandemic, the latter inflicting on this region some of the highest death rates in the world. It is facing a humanitarian crisis borne out of several factors, mainly: political instability, social unrest, fragile health systems and perhaps most importantly, longstanding and pervasive inequality — in income, health care, and education—which has been woven into the social and economic fabric of the region. Today, Latin America is struggling to find a balance between keeping strict sanitary controls and opening its economic activities to full capacity, while reducing the number of new daily cases and the mortality rates. Another (complementary) alternative would be to find a balance between quarantines, alternative treatments and vaccine campaigns in order to reduce the risk of contagion and to permanently control the pandemic. This panel will try to answer the following questions: How will the governments react to protect their citizens and contain Covid-19’s spread while at the same time saving their economies? Is the return to normal pre-pandemic life possible despite the recent social unrest happening in some parts of the region? What would be the actions and solutions to mitigate the negative effects caused by the pandemic in the social, economic and geopolitical levels? Moderator : Lourival Sant’Anna, International Affairs Reporter and Analyst, CNN Brazil; Columnist, O Estado de São Paulo Speakers : - Jamil Mahuad, Former President of Ecuador - Federico Ramón Puerta, Former President of Argentina - Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, Former President of Costa Rica Closing remarks Speaker: Karim El Aynaoui, President of the Policy Center for the New South