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  • From

    11:15 am June 2024
    Notre Senior Fellow, M. Ivan Martin, participera à une Table Ronde sous le thème « Mobilités Humaines, Économie, Diasporas ... Histoires de Voisinage », organisée par le Forum des droits de l'Homme à Essaouira. Cet événement aura lieu en marge du Festival Gnaoua d’Essaouira le 29 juin 2024 à 11h15. Mr Martin partagera son expertise sur les dynamiques des mobilités humaines, leurs impacts économiqu…
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    8:30 am June 2024
    InscriptionPublications La situation actuelle du marché du travail au Maroc alimente un débat national intense. Selon le Haut-Commissariat au Plan, le taux de chômage est de 13,7 % au premier trimestre de 2024, avec des écarts significatifs entre les zones urbaines et rurales, atteignant 17.6 % en milieu urbain et 6,8 % en milieu rural. Les jeunes âgés de 15 à 24 ans sont les plus touché, avec…
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    3:00 pm June 2024
    The Policy Center for the New South & The Atlantic Council (Africa Center) are organizing a joint hybrid event on the occasion of the launch of a new report titled “African Migration in the Atlantic basin : Case studies from Morocco and Nigeria” authored by Senior International Relations Specialist Amal El Ouassif  and by Africa Center Senior Fellow Constance Berry Newman. Over the past twent…
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    9:30 am June 2024


    12:45 pm June 2024
    The Policy Center for the New South and the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) are jointly organizing the 8th edition of the Atlantic Strategy Group meetings in Washington DC on June 27-28, 2024. This edition will focus on the topic “Trouble at Home, Trouble Abroad: Consequences for North and South in the Atlantic” and will explore various themes including Northern and Southern conf…
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    4:00 pm June 2024
    La COP28, qui s'est tenue à Dubaï en décembre 2023, a réaffirmé la nécessité d'une action urgente pour lutter contre le changement climatique et limiter le réchauffement climatique à 1,5 degré Celsius. L'accord de la COP28, appelant à une suppression progressive des énergies fossiles, place les acteurs pétro-gaziers face à un défi de taille : adapter leurs stratégies à un monde en pleine transitio…
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    9:00 am June 2024


    6:00 pm June 2024
    Hamza Saoudi, Senior Economist at the Policy Center for the New South, will participate in an Expert Group Meeting on Extending Social Security for Agricultural Workers in the MENA Region, jointly organized with ILO-FAO. This event will take place in Amman, Jordan from June 24th to June 26th. The Expert Group Meeting aims to foster interactive peer-to-peer knowledge exchange and learning, facilit…
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    6:00 pm June 2024


    4:00 pm June 2024
    Hinh Dinh, Senior Fellow at the Policy Center for the New South, is a featured speaker at the conference on "Reimagining Global Economic Governance: African & Global Perspectives." This conference explores the broad themes of updating and refining the frameworks that guide global economic governance, emphasizing inclusivity and sustainability. Organized by the South African Institute of Inter…
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    7:00 pm June 2024
    Our Senior Fellow, Mr. Ivan Martin, delivered a lecture entitled "Six Economic Problems of the Mediterranean in Our Times" at Casa Mediterráneo in Alicante on June 13 at 7 PM (Spanish time).  During his presentation, Mr. Martin examined the primary economic challenges confronting the Mediterranean region today.  The lecture was streamed live on YouTube (in Spanish) at the following link: https:/…
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    5:30 pm June 2024
    In the complex landscape of African conflicts, the role of mediators remains pivotal, holding the promise of peace amidst turbulent times. Mediators, whether they come from regional organizations, international bodies, or local communities, act as crucial agents of change. They navigate the intricate web of political, social, and ethnic tensions to broker peace deals, facilitate dialogue, and fost…
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    2:00 pm June 2024
    Abdessalam Saad Jaldi, International Relations Specialist at the Policy Center for the New South will be speaking at the MED Virtual Panel on the relations between India and the MENA region. This webinar will be organized by the Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale and the GIGA Institute in the context of the Rome MED Mediterranean Dialogues. The panel is scheduled to take place onli…