Publications /
Policy Brief

Ramaphosa à la tête de l’ANC : Une cohabitation qui ne dit pas son nom
January 2, 2018

Cyril Ramaphosa a dépassé d’une courte tête Dlamini Zuma aux élections pour le remplacement de Jacob Zuma à la tête de l’ANC. Sa victoire ne lui permet pas de franchement crier au succès, aussi bien en prenant en considération l’écart qu’il a enregistré face à la perdante, qu’en tenant compte des rapport de force au sein des organes de décision. Il ne faut cependant pas perdre de vue que l’actuel président de la république, notoirement impliqué dans des affaires de corruptions reste décrié même par ses soutiens. Il se pose donc la question d’évaluer la portée des récentes élections notamment sur l’Avenir de Zuma en tant que président de la république et partant de l’avenir de l’ANC comme parti dominant de la scène politique sud-africaine".


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    Xenophobic violence against minorities and non-nationals has erupted periodically in different parts of Africa: against Somalis in Kenya, Nigerians in Ghana, Chadians in Libya, and Asians in South Africa. Scholars have offered various explanations for these outbursts of violence, focusing on inequality or how simultaneous market reforms and democratization can unleash resentment against “market- dominant minorities.” Others see the violence as linked to elections, noting how politic ...
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  • Authors
    Scientific Committee :
    Jack Kalpakian
    Nizar Messari
    Ahmed Rhazaoui
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    Enhancing the strategic thinking on issues related to stability and security at the African level requires challenging the predominant classical conception of security towards a more comprehensive, supportive and inclusive approach. While traditional strategies are often based on military responses and hard power, it is necessary to emphasize soft power in all its dimensions, placing the individual at the heart of all conflict prevention and management methods. Some authors argue f ...
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  • Authors
    Nchimunya Hamukoma
    April 9, 2019
    The author is an alumnus of the 2018 Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders program On a Saturday evening in March at an upscale gallery in Johannesburg’s CBD, the lights went out.  A child in the crowd yelped in shock, but most of the adults let out a gentle sigh of resignation. An attendant came by soon after to assure that it wasn’t load shedding and that the power would be reconnected shortly, but we had become inured to the darkness and the idea that electricity wasn’t something ...
  • June 27, 2018
    إثر التطورات الأخيرة التي عرفتها منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا والتي اتسمت بالفوضى والحروب الأهلية والأداء الاقتصادي الضعيف، قام "مركز الدراسات والأبحاث" بنشر كتاب جماعي يتناول التطورات التي طرأت على المنطقة منذ "الربيع العربي". وقد تم إعداد هذا الكتاب الذي حمل عنوان "التغيرات السياسية المقارنة في المغرب والمشرق سبع سنوات بعد 'الربيع العربي'" تحت إشراف الأستاذ عبد الله ساعف، الزميل الأول بـالمركز ، أثناء مؤتمر تم عقده في ديسمبر 2016. وقد تناوب المؤلفون ذوي الخلفيات المتنوعة على ت ...