Publications /
Policy Brief

Le Sahel face aux tendances Al Qaeda et Daech: Quel dénouement possible ?
January 5, 2017

Le paysage terroriste au Sahel se caractérise par une multiplicité d’acteurs qui déstabilisent les pays de la région. Malgré que chaque groupe terroriste possède des spécificités d’action et des zones d’influence propres à lui, il n’en demeure pas moins que deux grandes tendances idéologiques s’affrontent au Sahel. D’une part, Al Qaeda au Maghreb Islamique et d’autre part, l’organisation Etat islamique. Cependant, certains groupes continuent d’agir indépendamment des allégeances qu’ils ont prêtées en refusant de suivre les ordres de leurs leaders hiérarchiques. Face à cette complexité des acteurs terroristes qui sévissent dans le Sahel, ce Policy Brief se propose d’examiner la situation en levant le voile sur le système des allégeances, la relation entre les différents groupes, mais également, le jeu des acteurs étatiques dans leur lutte contre ces différentes nébuleuses.


  • Authors
    Michael N Mulikita
    May 6, 2017
    1. Background & Context Perhaps the most noteworthy highlight of the 2017 African Union Summit in Addis Ababa Ethiopia was the decision by the majority of AU member states to welcome back into the organization the Kingdom of Morocco after a thirty-three year absence.  It should be remembered that the Kingdom of Morocco was a founding member of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in 1963. Morocco played an assertive role in the OAU by firmly backing ...
  • Authors
    Maria Demertzis
    Guntram Wolff
    May 2, 2017
    Africa’s population is projected to reach almost 2.5 billion by 2050. Migration from Africa to the EU is relatively stable, at around 500,000 migrants per year, or 0.1 percent of the EU population, yet irregular immigration into the EU has increased recently. Development is often seen as the way to reduce migration but the development-migration nexus is complex. At low levels of development, migration might increase with rising GDP per capita. This applies to most of sub-Saharan Af ...
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  • April 25, 2017
    Chinese investors are increasingly interested in Africa. Some criticize them for privileging mining investments. A 2017 analysis of these investments shows that investments in mining have not been the only ones privileged by the Chinese operators. Many other sectors such as transport and energy have benefited from Chinese investments, much more so than the mining sector, for example. ...
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