Publications /
Policy Brief

Is Land Degradation Neutrality in Africa Possible?
Tharcisse Guèdègbé
Tudal Sinsin
September 27, 2018

At the heart of this century's top priorities are food security, environmental protection and improving the standard of living. With soaring population growth, strong industrialization exerting pressure on natural resources, and accelerating climate change and desertification, a number of actions are being taken to achieve neutrality in terms of land degradation. Conserving and restoring ecosystems, while making rational use of natural resources to meet the population’s needs are essential. In order to achieve this goal of neutrality by 2050, a series of projects and initiatives at the national and international levels are being carried out in succession and must complement each other.


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  • Authors
    Zakaria Elouaourti
    September 13, 2024
    This Paper was originally published on   Purpose This paper examines the dynamics of structural transformation in Morocco since 1970 by analyzing input-output tables expressed in terms of employment and output levels across 24 sectors. Design/methodology/approach This study employs a twofold methodological approach. Firstly, it examines the evolution of sectoral employment shares over time using World Bank data. Secondly, it utilizes Input-Output analysis to examine ...
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  • Authors
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