تونس منذ 25 يوليوز 2021:إلى أين ؟

August 2, 2022

يخصص مركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد حلقة برنامجه الأسبوعي "حديث الثلاثاء" لقراءة التطورات الحاصلة 2022 يوليوز 25بتونس، منذ إعلان حالة الإستثناء يوم مع عبد السلام جلدي، باحث في العلاقات الدولية والسياسات العامة بمركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد وياسمين وردي عكريمي، باحثة بمركز بروكسل الدولي

نعود خلال هاته الحلقة إلى فحص الأزمة الدستورية التي تعيشها تونس منذ إعلان حالة الإستثناء التي حولت البلاد من ديمقراطية في أزمة إلى نظام استثنائي ، فضلاً عن خصائص الجمهورية التونسية الثالثة، في ظل أزمة اقتصادية و إجتماعية حادة تهز البلاد وتهدد ماليتها بالإفلاس

Akram Zaoui
Manager – Research Support & Public Policy Lab
Akram Zaoui is an International Relations Specialist at the Policy Center for the New South, where he works on the geopolitics of the Middle East and North Africa. After several experiences that led him to work for public and private entities in Jordan, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates, he devoted himself for almost 2 years to the issue of Islam in France. In this context, he has contributed to academic productions and field missions and has been in charge of the coordination, preparation and evaluation of the action of different actors involved in the issue (public institutions, private operators, civil society organizations and personalities, media, and academic institutions and researches,). He holds a Dual Degree in Corporate and Public Management from HEC Paris (“Prog ...
Abdessalam Saad Jaldi
International Relations Specialist
Abdessalam Jaldi is an International Relations Specialist, with a focus on International Law and International Relations. He is currently working in the Policy Center for the New South as a core member of an analytical study examining the Maghreb mutations, the Euro-African relations, the new tendencies of international law and the influence of India and Africa. Ph.D Doctor in Law from France in 2018, he has four years of experience working in non-profit, social research and electoral observations. ...
Yasmine Akrimi
Analyste de recherche sur l'Afrique du Nord au Brussels International Center (BIC)


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    February 13, 2023
    The volatility in energy markets since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2019/2020 has continued, with unprecedented uncertainty about global energy supply developing over the course of 2022 in the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, against a backdrop of weakening macroeconomic conditions and high inflation. While some perceived this as a potential setback for the energy transition, others saw it as an opportunity to move away from fossil fuels and accelerate the developme ...
  • February 13, 2023
    ترتبط التحديات الأمنية بالمنطقة المغاربية ارتباطا قويا بحالة عدم الاستقرار السائدة في منطقة الساحل، حيث تواجه هاتين المنطقتين أزمات أمنية كبرى تُؤثر فيموازين القوة بشكل أصبح يؤثر مباشرة ع ...
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    February 13, 2023
    The fundamental role that water resources play in human development has been highlighted in multiple ways; the United Nations SDGs underline 17 different goals and over a hundred targets to be achieved by 2030. Out of 169 SDG targets, 59 were found to have direct links and synergies with the water goal SDG6 (UN Water, 2016). Careful policy making and interventions need to be implemented to avoid conflict among sectors and tradeoffs must be well established. The Integrated Water Reso ...
  • Authors
    February 10, 2023
    Considering the current situation in Burkina Faso, the international media is speaking of institutional weakness and state failure in Africa and the role of international institutions and local non-state actors in providing security and public goods in the Sahel. The discourse of state failure and counter-state sovereignty has a decades-old genealogy, but recent work by African scholars has sought to contest top-down Western labels and categories. African attempts to decolonize soci ...
  • Authors
    Pierre Jacquemot
    February 10, 2023
    La plupart des écosystèmes arides et semi-arides d’Afrique sont dédiés à différents types d’élevage extensif. Ces systèmes sont des acteurs majeurs dans la valorisation des espaces, et des ressources naturelles. En plus de nourrir les humains et les animaux, l’élevage pastoral fournit un revenu de subsistance à des populations qui ne pourraient survivre autrement dans ces régions. Ce pastoralisme est menacé depuis plusieurs années. Dans la quasi-totalité des zones agro ...
  • February 10, 2023
    The war in Ukraine has been a major destabilizing factor for European security, and its future is now uncertain and complex. Initially, experts thought that the war would provide a geopol ...
  • February 7, 2023
    ترتبط التحديات الأمنية بالمنطقة المغاربية ارتباطا قويا بحالة عدم الاستقرار السائدة في منطقة الساحل، حيث تواجه هاتين المنطقتين أزمات أمنية كبرى تُؤثر فيموازين القوة بشكل أصبح يؤثر مباشرة على الأجندة السياسية في منطقة الساحل التي تشهد ديناميات جديدة، تتعدي إلى دول شمال إفريقيا والاتحاد ال...
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    February 3, 2023
    As the introductory textbook to economics by Nobel Prize Paul Samuelson, who served several generations of students, including mine, said: “It is easy to teach economics to a parrot. Two words are enough: supply and demand”. These two factors suggest 2023 will be a year of upward trend for most commodity prices. Last year was marked by shocks and volatility in commodity prices, with two distinct moments. After the sharp rise in the first half, due to the invasion of Ukraine by Russ ...
  • February 03, 2023
    Les dirigeants de l’Union européenne et de l’Union africaine ont posé lors du 6ème sommet UE-Afrique qui avait eu lieu à Bruxelles en février 2022 les jalons d’une relation renouvelée, ba ...