تونس منذ 25 يوليوز 2021:إلى أين ؟

August 2, 2022

يخصص مركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد حلقة برنامجه الأسبوعي "حديث الثلاثاء" لقراءة التطورات الحاصلة 2022 يوليوز 25بتونس، منذ إعلان حالة الإستثناء يوم مع عبد السلام جلدي، باحث في العلاقات الدولية والسياسات العامة بمركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد وياسمين وردي عكريمي، باحثة بمركز بروكسل الدولي

نعود خلال هاته الحلقة إلى فحص الأزمة الدستورية التي تعيشها تونس منذ إعلان حالة الإستثناء التي حولت البلاد من ديمقراطية في أزمة إلى نظام استثنائي ، فضلاً عن خصائص الجمهورية التونسية الثالثة، في ظل أزمة اقتصادية و إجتماعية حادة تهز البلاد وتهدد ماليتها بالإفلاس

Akram Zaoui
Manager – Research Support & Public Policy Lab
Akram Zaoui is an International Relations Specialist at the Policy Center for the New South, where he works on the geopolitics of the Middle East and North Africa. After several experiences that led him to work for public and private entities in Jordan, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates, he devoted himself for almost 2 years to the issue of Islam in France. In this context, he has contributed to academic productions and field missions and has been in charge of the coordination, preparation and evaluation of the action of different actors involved in the issue (public institutions, private operators, civil society organizations and personalities, media, and academic institutions and researches,). He holds a Dual Degree in Corporate and Public Management from HEC Paris (“Prog ...
Abdessalam Saad Jaldi
International Relations Specialist
Abdessalam Jaldi is an International Relations Specialist, with a focus on International Law and International Relations. He is currently working in the Policy Center for the New South as a core member of an analytical study examining the Maghreb mutations, the Euro-African relations, the new tendencies of international law and the influence of India and Africa. Ph.D Doctor in Law from France in 2018, he has four years of experience working in non-profit, social research and electoral observations. ...
Yasmine Akrimi
Analyste de recherche sur l'Afrique du Nord au Brussels International Center (BIC)


  • May 12, 2020
     اليقينيات و فضحت خال أسابيع محدودة مدى هشاشة الانسان في محطة متقدمة من العولمة من خال حدة الصدمة الاقتصادية التي أفرزتها عالميا. و رغم اننا ما نزال غير متحكمين في الخروج من هذه الأزمة الصحية فإن كل الملاحظين يتفقون على أن مسار العولمة سيتأثر حتما بعواقبها نتيجة الانخراط العالمي في الحجر الصحي الذي فرض نفسه كظاهرة معولمة. ذلك انهم يتفقون على ان هذه الأزمة ستؤدي مستقبلا لمراجعات عميقة للتدبير الاقتصادي و للسياسات العمومية بل للمنظومات السياسية و المجتمعية و للعلاقات الدولية بين .الأق ...
  • Authors
    Pierre Jacquemot
    May 12, 2020
    It is still too early to assess the extent of the Coronavirus pandemic in Africa, but everything seems to suggest that it will have a major impact on already vulnerable health systems – from prevention to the management of patients. Various forms of resilience are being tested with pejorative effects, especially against the very poor, who are less prepared to observe the protection measures and more exposed in their daily lives. However, lessons can be learned from past epidemic exp ...
  • Authors
    May 11, 2020
    Data recently released on the first-quarter global domestic product (GDP) performance of major economies have showed how significant the impact of COVID-19 has been on economic activity and jobs, with large contractions across the board. The ongoing global recession is poised to be worse than the “great recession” after the 2008-09 global financial crisis, especially from the standpoint of emerging market and developing economies. The depth and speed of the GDP decline will rival th ...
  • May 11, 2020
    Coronavirus takes down global economic giants (fourth video of the series on the coronavirus crisis) - The impact of COVID-19 on economic activity and on jobs has been deep and strong - The shape of post-coronavirus recovery will depend on the success of containment policies and… - the ...
  • Authors
    May 11, 2020
    They live in the shadow of death: the United States has 2,650 death-row inmates, 740 in California’s San Quentin State Prison alone. Today, these prisoners fear another executioner, the invisible COVID-19. The condemned on death row live in single cells, some having spent many decades in solitary confinement. The suicide rate is high, and many die of natural causes before their rendezvous with the special execution team. These prisoners hardly ever receive visitors, and for them th ...
  • Authors
    Mohammed Germouni
    May 8, 2020
    An examination, inevitably bound to be broad in scope, of the economic and social implications for a country, in this case Morocco, of a sudden pandemic that has broken out in virtually most parts of the world, can only be a prelude to a broader and more comprehensive study to be undertaken in due course. For obvious reasons, especially as the current crisis induced by the primacy of health, could later evolve into a form of economic depression as various multifaceted aid and suppor ...
  • Authors
    Mohammed Germouni
    May 8, 2020
    Un examen, nécessairement à grands traits, des incidences économiques et sociales pour un pays, en l’occurrence le Maroc, d’une soudaine pandémie qui s’est déclarée sur presque la plupart des régions de la planète, ne peut être qu’un simple prélude d’une large étude exhaustive à entreprendre le moment venu. Et ce pour des raisons évidentes, à savoir que la crise en cours induite par le primat du sanitaire, pouvant évoluer, ensuite, en une forme de dépression économique que divers pr ...
  • Authors
    May 8, 2020
    Digital technological innovation, combined with new financing approaches, can make a significant contribution in the field of access to energy. This is the case in Kenya, where payas- you-go solutions, combined with solar home systems and an extensive mobile network, have enabled thousands of Kenyans to access clean and affordable off-grid electricity. This policy paper identifies the drivers of the development of pay-as-you-go solutions in off-grid systems in Kenya, assesses their ...