The Policy Center through the team's testimonials

September 13, 2021

Why work at the Policy Center? What it is like to work there? Discover our Think Tank through the testimonials of our team! Rim Berahab, Yassir Essyagi, Mandri Badr, Amal El Ouassif, Akram Zaoui.. Find out more about them & what they have to say about the Policy Center. More on Join us:

Rim Berahab
Senior Economist
Rim Berahab is Senior Economist at the Policy Center for the New South, which she joined in 2014. She is currently working on themes related to energy issues and their impacts on economic growth and long-term development. Her research areas also cover trade and regional integration challenges in Africa. Previously, she has also worked on questions related to gender inequalities in the labor market of North African countries. Rim spent three months at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), in 2016, in the Commodities Unit of the Research Department. She holds a State Engineering degree from the National Institute of Statistics and Applied Economics (INSEA). ...
Badr Mandri
Badr Mandri is an Economist who joined Policy Center for the New South after two years’ experience at the Moroccan national statistics office (HCP, High Commission for Planning). His research activities focus on development macroeconomics especially on fiscal policy and development financing. Badr Mandri holds a master’s degree in applied economics, and is currently a PhD student at Mohamed V University in Rabat; ...
Fatima Ezzahra Mengoub
Senior Economist
Fatima Ezzahra Mengoub, researcher, development specialist, and policy analyst, is a Senior Economist at the Policy Center for the New South. She holds a PhD. in Economics applied to agriculture and an engineering degree in agricultural economics both from the Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Sciences. Her research addresses agricultural and rural development including agricultural growth analysis, economic structural change, inter and intra-regional agricultural trade, water management, and food security. She has also taught macroeconomics, microeconomics, and decision-making courses at the Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Sciences (IAV), the School of Governance and Economics (EGE), and the Faculty of Governance, Economics, and Social Sciences (FG ...
Amal El Ouassif
International Relations Specialist
Amal El Ouassif is an International Relations Specialist  at the Policy Center for the New South. Prior to this, she worked as a program coordinator at the Westminster Foundation for Democracy and served as a consultant in development policies with the office of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in Morocco. She is also a former bluebook trainee in the Directorate General of Employment Social Affairs and Inclusion in the European Commission in Brussels. Amal has a Master of Art in EU’s International Relations and Diplomacy Studies, from the College of Europe in Bruges and a Master in Development Studies from UPMF-Grenoble. Her area of interest include Africa- Europe cooperation and migration. ...
Akram Zaoui
Manager – Research Support & Public Policy Lab
Akram Zaoui is an International Relations Specialist at the Policy Center for the New South, where he works on the geopolitics of the Middle East and North Africa. After several experiences that led him to work for public and private entities in Jordan, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates, he devoted himself for almost 2 years to the issue of Islam in France. In this context, he has contributed to academic productions and field missions and has been in charge of the coordination, preparation and evaluation of the action of different actors involved in the issue (public institutions, private operators, civil society organizations and personalities, media, and academic institutions and researches,). He holds a Dual Degree in Corporate and Public Management from HEC Paris (“Prog ...


  • Authors
    Emilliano Alessandri
    April 7, 2017
    While possible, prospects for repairing existing fractures through multilateral dialogue and compromise have become elusive as crises in the region persist. There are quite a few unfavorable conditions hindering the emergence of some form of multilateral security process: areas of hot conflict have widened in recent years making violence almost endemic in the region, in countries like Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Libya. The Middle East peace process is in a stalemate and already thin trus ...
  • Authors
    Luiz A Pereira da Silva
    April 5, 2017
    Development finance is an issue that typically concerns developing countries where numerous, grave socioeconomic problems persist, including – and not among the least – the need for stable development finance in higher quantity and of higher quality. However, development finance could also be used today as a growth-enhancing concept applicable to advanced economies, to boost their growth and help their social inclusion. It could contribute to rebalancing macroeconomic policies and m ...
  • Authors
    April 3, 2017
    Turkey has been approaching a crossroads for some time now. Soon enough it will have to choose a direction. On April 16, 2017 Turks will vote in a referendum on President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s proposed constitutional amendment that would shift the country’s power center from a parliamentary system to a presidential one.  If successful, not only would this further consolidate power in the executive’s hands—in this case Erdogan himself—but it would also pave the way for him to rema ...
  • Authors
    Onasis Tharcisse A. Guedegbe
    March 31, 2017
    L’entrée des économies africaines dans le nouveau millénaire s’est accompagnée de performances économiques remarquables, par rapport aux décennies antérieures. Le secteur agricole, qui demeure la clé de voûte du développement économique et social, n’est pas resté en marge. Globalement, ce secteur continue d’enregistrer une croissance robuste, tirée par une hausse de la productivité, mesurée de façon partielle et globale. Les résultats à plus basse échelle laissent toutefois entrevoi ...
  • Authors
    Onasis Tharcisse A. Guedegbe
    March 31, 2017
    In comparison to previous decades, remarkable economic performance accompanied the entry of African economies into the new millennium. The agricultural sector, which remains the cornerstone of economic and social development, has not remained on the sidelines. Overall, this sector continues to show robust growth, driven by an increase in productivity, measured in part and overall terms. However, lower-level results point to serious disparities and a need to strengthen progress towar ...
  • Authors
    March 29, 2017
    Dans un contexte mondial de plus en plus préoccupé par les aléas climatiques, comprendre l’impact de la croissance économique sur l’environnement devient crucial, notamment pour les pays en voie de développement. Ce papier aborde cette problématique sous le prisme des émissions de dioxyde de carbone (CO2) et examine comment la croissance économique se répercute sur l’environnement. L’objectif de cette étude est de tester la validité de la courbe environnementale de Kuznets (CEK) pou ...
  • Authors
    Françoise Nicolas
    March 24, 2017
    Since the fall of the Derg regime in 1991, cordial relations have developed between China and Ethiopia, forming a positive political backdrop in front of which the two countries’ interests have increasingly converged. On the one hand, Ethiopia seeks to replicate the experience of East Asian countries such as Taiwan, Malaysia, or China and to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) in order to accelerate the development of its manufacturing capacities (in particular through an ambit ...
  • Authors
    Diana Quintero
    March 23, 2017
    Colombia is a country of incredible contrast: known to be one of the places on earth where people feel happiest, it is also one of the most unequal and for many decades, a country immersed in a protracted conflict. Despite the latter - and here is the starkest contrast - Colombia has recently succeeded in reducing poverty and building the foundations for sustainable growth and prosperity. The Santos administration has delivered on two of its main promises: sign a peace agreement wi ...
  • Authors
    March 20, 2017
    Why do policy implementation and public service delivery too often fail to achieve the goals initially formulated by policy leaders, and how to fix it? What matters for successful implementation and what can policy leaders do? In a previous paper, we proposed a synthesis of the study of policy implementation and the cause of policy failure. This policy paper explains the key factors leading to policy success, and provides policymakers with actionable solutions to help formulate and ...
  • Authors
    Coordonné par
    Zineb Bouba
    Appui technique: Pierre-Richard Agénor
    March 9, 2017
    Dans le sillage des débats actuels sur la contribution de la femme à la création de richesses, le présent ouvrage s’essaye d’y contribuer moyennant des approches méthodologiques innovantes couvrant plusieurs champs d’analyse conciliant l’égalité de genre, les politiques publiques et la croissance économique au Maroc. Il offre, ainsi, un diagnostic exhaustif de l’évolution des inégalités de genre en termes, notamment, d'accès à l'emploi, à l'éducation, à la santé, à l'infrastructure, ...