Paul-Simon Handy, Regional Director for East Africa and Representative to the African Union, delves into the complexities of mediation in internal African conflicts. Despite half of the UN peacekeeping forces being deployed on the African continent, sustainable peace remains elusive. Mr Handy explores the reasons behind these challenges, shedding light on the intricate dynamics and obstacles that hinder effective conflict resolution.
December 8, 2022In this brand new episode of Africafé, Iván Martín, Senior Fellow at the Policy Center for the New South shares his insights and recommendations on the current situation of Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons in Africa, in a conversation with Amal El Ouassif, Specialist in Inter...
December 6, 2022ينص الفصل 16 من الدستور التزام المغرب بحماية حقوق ومصالح أفراد الجالية المغربية من خلال إعادة التأكيد على إرادة البلاد في الحفاظ على الروابط الإنسانية لأفراد الجالية مع المملكة وتطوير هذه الروابط، وكذلك تعزيز مساهمتهم في تنمية المغرب. إذ تشكل الجالية المغربية المقيمة بالخارج جزء لا يتجز...
AuthorsDecember 2, 2022One aim of COP27 was to persuade countries to make commitments to reduce emissions and earmark resources for technologies to be transferred from industrialized states to less developed states. Hovering over the COP27 was the reluctance of wealthy states to live up to their 2009 commitment to provide $100 billion to poor countries, financial assistance for adaptation (as opposed to just mitigation projects), and more compensation for what the Paris Agreement termed “loss and damage,” ...
Sabrine Emran & Philippe ChalminDecember 02, 2022Depuis février 2022, l’approvisionnement des matières premières en Europe constitue une des problématiques majeures auquel le continent est affronté. Si les matières premières agricoles s ...
November 29, 2022نص دستور سنة 2011 في عدد من بنوده على دعم الآليات التي من شأنها ترسيخ قيم الشفافية وتعزيز الحكامة الجيدة ومكافحة كل مظاهر الفساد من خلال ربط المسؤولية بالمحاسبة، وذلك من أجل الحفاظ على الأموال والممتلكات العمومية. غير أن المغرب شهد تراجعاً في مؤشر إدراك الفساد الذي تصدره منظمة الشفافية ...
AuthorsSaloi El YamaniNovember 25, 2022In a global context shaped by a three-dimensional crisis: the Covid-19 crisis, the climate change crisis, and the Russia-Ukraine war, the issues of connectivity, value chains, and the green transition are at the heart of the current policy debates all over the globe. In this regard, the Policy Center for the New South has organized, jointly with the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), a conference on November 2nd, 2022, under the theme “Connectivity, Value Chains, and the Green Tr ...
Youssef Tobi & Rida LyammouriNovember 25, 2022Communities in northern Côte d’Ivoire report an ongoing pattern of questioning, ethnically- motivated arrests, and abuse, in contrast to the good relationships with local forces and poli ...
AuthorsHugo Le PicardNovember 25, 2022After several decades of reforms, the situation in centralized power sectors has hardly changed. The sub-Saharan power sector remains underdeveloped, and power sectors are experiencing significant financial difficulties that have been further exacerbated first by the effects of the pandemic and then the war in Ukraine. ...
AuthorsNovember 25, 2022Le présent travail s’intéresse à la question de l’accompagnement et la réintégration des travailleuses marocaines saisonnières en Espagne. Il met en avance l’existence de déficits à plusieurs niveaux. Des plus importants sont : une inclusion financière et un accompagnement en matière de renforcement de l’employabilité ; un accompagnement en matière d’alphabétisation financière ; un accompagnement en matière de création, et post-création, d'activités génératrices de revenus ; un acco ...
AuthorsNovember 24, 2022This chapter was originally published in the book "Africa–Europe Cooperation and Digital Transformation", co-edited by Chux Daniels, Benedikt Erfoth, and Chloe Teevan Since the mid-2010s, North African countries have been pursuing what some observers have called a “return to Africa” (Dworkin, 2020). Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia have attempted to position themselves as major components of Europe- Mediterranean-Africa infrastructure and supply chains corridors (Tanchum, 2020). The thr ...