OCP Policy Center and the German Marshall Fund of the United States, in partnership with the Fernando Henrique Cardoso Institute, organized an Atlantic Strategy Group conference on June 23rd and 24th, 2015 in São Paulo, Brazil with a focus on trade, energy, food, and Geopolitical System in the international system. This video is the summary discussion of the convening moderated by Ambassador Aziz Mekouar, OCP Policy Center Senior Fellow, and featuring President Henrique Cardoso of Brazil and Mr. Jose Manuel Barosso, former President of the EU Commission.

Aziz Mekouar
Senior Fellow
Aziz Mekouar is Senior Fellow at the Policy Center for the New South and the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco to the Republic of China, who focuses on International Relations and geopolitics. He was the ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco to the United States from June 2002 to September 2011. He then embarked on a new career as an advisor for major Moroccan groups and multinationals. During his tenure as ambassador in Washington, DC, Amb. Mekouar oversaw the negotiation and signing of a Free Trade Agreement between Morocco and the United States, and managed the compact between Morocco and the United States’ Millenium Challenge Account. Previously, Amb. Mekouar served as the Moroccan ambassador to Italy, Malta, and, Albania, and the permanent representative to the UN Food ...

Henrique Cardoso
Former President of Brazil
Fernando Henrique Cardoso was President of Brazil for two successive mandates (1995 – 2002).
Doctor in Sociology and Professor Emeritus at the University of São Paulo, Cardoso is an eminent public intellectual whose work spans the fields of sociology, political science, and economics.