أميرة الشال , إيمان لهريش, إيمان مصطفىJanuary 03, 2025تتناول هذه الحلقة من سلسلة بودكاست مركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد مفهوم المرونة الاقتصادية بوصفه أداة أساسية لفهم ديناميات الاقتصاد المصري في مواجهة الصدمات المتكررة والتحديات الهيكلي ...
AuthorsDecember 2, 2024This blog was originaly published on The maritime industry is the lifeblood of global trade, with ships carrying over 90 percent of all merchandise trade, and the global logistics market accounting for 8-12 percent of global gross domestic product (GDP). The smooth functioning of maritime trade and supply chain logistics is integral to economic development and critical to food security and the distribution of essential supplies. In fact, the COVID-19 pandemic has ...
AuthorsZakaria ElouaourtiNovember 14, 2024This paper was originaly published on Our study provides an in-depth examination of the relationship between financial development and economic growth in Morocco, revealing key threshold effects through a nonlinear smooth transition model (STAR). Analysis of Moroccan banking and stock market development indexes reveals that the stock market was significantly impacted by the 2008 global financial crisis, showing a decline, while the banking system continued an upw ...
AuthorsOctober 23, 2024This paper was originally published on This paper explores the (de-)routinisation of employment structure in developing countries, through the case of Morocco. We investigate employment (de-)routinisation from an often-overlooked perspective, aiming to elucidate the interplay between the dynamics of occupational employment composition by the level of routine tasks intensity and two structural aspects: premature deindustrialisation and the prevalence of informal lab ...
AuthorsAntonio Jorge MartinsOctober 9, 2024The road to decarbonizing the planet runs through the energy transition, which includes the shift from fossil-fueled cars to renewable energy vehicles. This automotive transition is unfolding as a true revolution in the industry. The evolution toward electric and hybrid vehicles has come in tandem with the ascent of Chinese producers. In the current context of geopolitical and technological rivalries, the automotive transition has been marked by an intense trade war, with implicati ...
AuthorsSeptember 26, 2024This paper was originally published on The developing world is once again facing unsustainable sovereign debt levels that threaten to erase several years of progress on development agendas. The COVID-19 pandemic, Russia-Ukraine war, and high interest rates are the latest in a series of events that have contributed to the recent build-up of debt and raised the cost of debt financing for developing countries. The G20’s Common Framework (CF) for debt treatments is a w ...
AuthorsSeptember 24, 2024This paper was originally published on The resurgence of Neo protectionism as a reality is creating a pressing need to establish New Industrial Policies (NIPs) capable of striking a balance between Global Value Chains (GVC) managers' quest for efficiency and policy makers' need for more increasing resilience or national security in a turmoiled geopolitical landscape. Furthermore, although NIPs might pursue legitimate non-economic objectives, they are often captured ...
AuthorsZakaria ElouaourtiSeptember 13, 2024This Paper was originally published on Purpose This paper examines the dynamics of structural transformation in Morocco since 1970 by analyzing input-output tables expressed in terms of employment and output levels across 24 sectors. Design/methodology/approach This study employs a twofold methodological approach. Firstly, it examines the evolution of sectoral employment shares over time using World Bank data. Secondly, it utilizes Input-Output analysis to examine ...
Helmut Sorge and Hans Peter LankesAugust 23, 2024Delve into the critical topic of fostering Africa's economic transformation through innovative financing. Hans Peter Lankes shares his expertise on what innovative financing entails and t ...
AuthorsUnder the supervision ofJuly 12, 2024Bientôt disponible en vente sur livremoi. The 2024 Annual Report on the African Economy is dedicated to monetary and financial issues on the Continent. There are three reasons for this choice. African economies are exposed to macro-financial instabilities partly generated by global monetary and financial turbulence. The Continent’s currencies and financial systems are engaged in very different dynamics, where routine methods and daring, if not risky, practices coexist. The q ...