Publications /
Policy Brief

Welfare and Regional Integration Agreements: Lessons for Africa
Tharcisse Guèdègbé
Will Martin
July 3, 2018

In the developing world, regional integration is frequently seen as an opportunity to promote development. However, historical facts and economic literature remind us that the success of economic integration is not always guaranteed, and numerous considerations should be taken into account in designing such agreements. This short paper considers the broad reasons for countries forming regional integration agreements, including strengthening trade relations, improving investments, boosting economic performance, and finally, enhancing foreign relations. It also explores the travails of the multilateral trading system and then then considers the differences between Customs Unions and Free Trade Areas. Finally, it considers the approaches used to evaluate the basic economic impacts of agreements.


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    Mondialisation oblige, les frontières se trouveront en tête des préoccupations mondiales en temps de pandémie. Un dilemme se pose entre : - D’une part, le souci, pour chaque pays, de se protéger contre la dissémination du virus provenant des pays les plus touchés ; - d’autre part, le souci de préserver l’ouverture aux autres Etats du monde, nécessaire à la survie de l’économie en raison de l’interdépendance accentuée par la mondialisation. La circulation des personnes, fonction p ...
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