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ATLANTIC CURRENTS 2nd Edition: An Annual Report on Wider Atlantic Perspectives and Patterns
October 28, 2015

OCP Policy Center and the German Marshall Fund are pleased to present this second edition of Atlantic Currents, an annual report charting wider Atlantic patterns and perspectives. The report is the result of a close collaboration between The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) and OCP Policy Center, and is a companion to the Atlantic Dialogues, our annual forum in Morocco. Both activities are part of a multi-year partnership to promote dialogue and analysis on issues affecting the wider Atlantic — Africa, the Caribbean, Europe, Latin America, and the United States — as well as global stakeholders in Atlantic affairs.

GMF and OCP Policy Center are proud of the role we have played in extending the transatlantic debate to embrace the Atlantic Basin, north and south, and in stimulating new thinking about “Atlanticism” for the 21st century — rethinking mental maps of the Atlantic in economic, political, and security terms. This year, we have devoted special attention to Africa, and African perspectives in Atlantic context, alongside issues and data we plan to track from year to year. We wish to thank all the authors who have contributed to this edition of Atlantic Currents as well as the dedicated staff at GMF and OCP Policy Center who made it possible. Comments on Atlantic Currents are most welcome, and may be addressed to the editors at GMF and OCP Policy Center.


  • July 24, 2020
    Depuis 2018, le Ghana est considéré par le Fonds monétaire international (FMI) comme le bon élève de l'Afrique. Bon élève dans le respect de la démocratie qui lui permet d'attirer de nombreux investisseurs mais, aussi, bon élève de par les résultats économiques obtenus pour réduire son inflation et relancer sa croissance économique, suite à un programme d'ajustement structurel, soutenu par le FMI, mis en place en 2015, et qui s'est achevé en 2019. Ces résultats, le Ghana les doit a ...
  • July 22, 2020
    L’Union européenne (UE) et l’Union africaine (UA) vont se retrouver au mois d’octobre 2020 dans un Sixième Sommet du cycle de la Stratégie Conjointe UEAfrique qui les réunit périodiquement depuis l’année 2000. Ce Sommet se profile dans un contexte de turbulences provoqué par le choc pandémique de la Covid-19. Dans cette perspective, l’UE a présenté à l’UA une nouvelle offre de coopération inspirée du « Green Deal », la stratégie géopolitique et économique arrêtée par la nouvelle Com ...
  • Authors
    July 20, 2020
    This article was originally published on Bruegel. The global economy is showing signs of recovery from the economic crisis caused by COVID-19, though the spread of the coronavirus is accelerating in some countries. In this circumstance, policymakers must weigh up the trade-offs involved in dealing with the pandemic while easing lock downs and sustaining economic activity. Differences in age structures, urbanisation rates and other factors will inform decision making in different co ...
  • Authors
    July 20, 2020
    There are signs of recovery in various parts of the global economy, starting in May, after the depressive dip imposed by Covid-19. Such signs emerged after the easing of restrictions on mobility established to flatten out the pandemic curves, and also reflected policies of flattening the recession curve (income transfers to part of the population, credit lines to vulnerable companies and others). Besides remaining far from giving back the GDP lost, in all countries, the recovery fa ...
  • July 16, 2020
    La femme représente la moitié de la société. Côte à côte avec l’homme, elle a toujours contribué au développement des sociétés lorsque les facteurs de conversion lui ont permis de mettre à l’œuvre ses potentialités pour parler simple. Aujourd’hui, cette catégorie de la société marocaine, et mondiale, subit de manière disproportionnée les répercussions de la crise de la Covid-19, sur plus d’un aspect de la vie en société. Ceci est particulièrement vrai lorsqu’il s’agit des domaines ...
  • Authors
    Abdoul‘ Ganiou Mijiyawa
    July 15, 2020
    We explore the effects of exporting manufactures, primary commodities, and food and agricultural products, and we examine the impact of importing capital and semi-capital goods, on structural transformation in a group of 21 sub-Saharan African countries that were covered by the inaugural African Transformation Report (ACET, 2014). The empirical results suggest that the import of capital and semi-capital goods can be a good predictor of structural transformation, while concentration ...
  • July 15, 2020
    في فبراير 2020 نشر كاتب هذه الأوراق مؤلفه حول موضوع «نحن و العولمة » حيث تساءل عن جواب الجنوب اتجاه التحولات الكبرى التي تعرفها هذه الأخيرة 1. تعبر الكلمات المفاتيح لهذه الأوراق )الهشاشة، التشظي، اللايقين، غير المتوقع، الهلع، السمعة، الصحة، البيئة، التكافؤ، الأقلمة، استعادة التموقع، الإختبار، الفرص(، عن المشاعر الشائعة عالميا خال شهور الحجر الصحي الذي فرضته جائحة كفيد 19 و ما نتج عنها من انكماش كبير للإقتصاد. عرف العالم مند بداية القرن ثاث هزات هائلة : الأولى جيوسياسية ) 11 شتنبر 20 ...