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Prof Peter Rogers Prof. Rogers is Gordon McKay Professor of Environmental Engineering and Professor of City Planning in the Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University. He is a member of the Technical Advisory Committee of the Global Water Partnership, recipient of Guggenheim and Twentieth Century Fellowships. His research interests include: the consequences of population on natural resources development ; conflict resolution in international river basins ; improved methods for managing natural resources and the environment, with emphasis on the use of analytic optimizing methods to incorporate both the natural phenomena and the engineering controls ; the impacts of global change on water resources, and the development of indices of environmental quality and sustainable development ; Interaction of land use planning and central management. He has carried out extensive field and model studies on population, water and energy resources, and environmental problems in Costa Rica, Pakistan, India, China, the Philippines, Bangladesh and, to a lesser extent, in 25 other countries. His most recent work has focused on the relationship between Chinese electric power developments and their impact on global warming. His recent books include: America's Water: Federal Roles and Responsibilities, A Twentieth Century Fund Book, MIT Press, 1993. Water in the Arab World: Perspects and Prognoses, Harvard University Press, 1994. Measuring Environmental Quality in Asia, Harvard University Press, 1997. He recieved his B.Engineering (1958) from the University of Liverpool, his M.S. Engineering(1961) from Northwestern University and his Ph.D. Engineering (1966) from Harvard University.