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Dr Martin Keulertz is a post-doctoral research associate in the Department for Agricultural and Biological Engineering at Purdue University in Indiana (United States). He is part of the core water-energy-food nexus team around Prof Rabi Mohtar (Texas A&M) to develop and implement a nexus tool in the MENA region and Sub-Sahara Africa. Prior to joining Purdue, he received his PhD from King’s College London in which he analysed the role of water resources in Foreign Direct Investment in African agriculture. During his PhD research, he carried out fieldwork in 15 MENA and SSA countries to empirically investigate the risks and opportunities of FDI in agriculture. Martin has published several peer-reviewed articles in journals, books and conference proceedings. In 2012, Water International selected his co-authored article on the role of corporates in global ‘virtual water’ trade as paper of the year. He further led the editing process of the Handbook of Land and Water Grabs in Africa: foreign direct investment and food and water security published by Routledge in 2013. Martin is a member of the London Water Research Group chaired by Prof Tony Allan of King’s College London. He has given numerous talks at international conferences, universities and for governments and international organisations. He worked for Dresdner Bank in Germany, consulted energy utility companies, development agencies and the United Nations on issues around the green economy. His research interests centre around the water-energy-food nexus with reference to the West Asia/North Africa region, ‘virtual water’, the impact of global economic change on global agricultural trade and food systems, Sub-Sahara African agriculture and water accounting methods.