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Fadel Sereme is a specialist in organizational engineering and planning; an expert in marketing management and conflict management. He graduated from the University of Ouagadougou and the African Institute of Management in law and international business.
Young and experienced, he has several strings to his bow. Indeed, he has held positions in the public administration, in political bodies and associations, as well as in the private sector.
Currently a politician and businessman in Burkina Faso, Mr. Sereme began his professional career in the private sector as head of studies, planning and training of I2E consulting from 2012 to 2017. Then, he occupied the position of commercial manager of COGEFA / ex OBOUF group one of the largest distribution companies in Burkina Faso. Believing that he has acquired enough experience to start his own business, he takes the reins of the company Ideal Business, a company providing business, consulting, financial and commercial intermediation founded in 2012.
In a context of increased insecurity and fight against terrorism, Mr. Fadel Sereme was called to serve the State of Burkina Faso as Director of Cabinet of the Ministry of Human Rights and Civic Promotion, from 2019 to 2021. During this experience, he contributed greatly to the development of human rights in his country by, among other things, working closely with staff and technical and financial partners on the development of a plan to fight terrorism under the human rights component, facilitating the adoption of the draft statutes of the Commission on Information and Liberties (CIL) and the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH), and overseeing the coordination of actions against COVID within the ministerial department.
At the political and associative level, Mr. Sereme is the founder of the NGO solidarity, a charity and human rights promotion association created in 2013. President of the Party for Development and Change (PDC) since 2019, he was previously interim President of the said party from 2017 to 2019 and in charge of the youth from 2012 to 2017. In 2020, he was elected deputy to the National Assembly of Burkina Faso and chairman of the Committee on Defense and Security (codes). During his one year of elective mandate, he successfully examined and adopted bills, agreed on taxes and monitored government action.
In addition to his above-mentioned functions, he is a teacher in universities and private institutes in Burkina and is an independent consultant for various private structures.
As a long-term project, Mr. Fadel Sereme aims to operationalize a center for peace, security and development, bringing together a network of national and international experts in Burkina Faso.