
PCNS Experts
F. Saverio Angiò
PhD student at Institute Gutiérrez Mellado/UNED

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He received the B.Sc. degree (International and Diplomatic Sciences) from University of Bolonia in 2006. He has a Master Degree in International and Diplomatic Sciences from University of Bolonia in 2009, and a Master Degree in Economics and International Relations: Geopolitics and Geoeconomics from the Autónoma University of Madrid in 2013 and a MBA from ITEAP in 2014. He has worked as an international cooperation operator at NGO Haurralde Fundazioa thanks to the European Traineeship Programme “Leonardo” in 2009. From 2012-2013, he joined Banco Santander as a fixed income analyst. Currently he is PhD student (International Security) at Institute Gutiérrez Mellado/UNED. He published several articles in journals and participated to several conferences on security. He is also a member of the Spanish Graduates in Security and Defense Association (ADESyD). His research interests include international relations in the MENA, Asia and South Pacific region. His PhD project focuses on the jihadist insurgent groups territorial model in the Sahel and MENA.
