International conference on "Reconfiguration of the Global South : Africa, Latin America and the "Asian Century" "
Barcelona, Spain
Since the 1980s there has been a steady shift from West to East in the international system, first economically, then increasingly also politically and culturally. Emerging markets in Asia have moved up the value chain of industrial production processes and the share of Western industrialized countries in global GDP has declined. Beside the G7 the G20 has emerged as an international platform to discuss challenges of economic cooperation, with mixed success. Asian nations like China and India also assert themselves in security matters and seek new avenues for investment flows and development cooperation.
What will be the role of Africa and Latin America in the approaching “Asian Century” and associated reconfigurations of global value chains? Will they be able to assert themselves and find a voice of their own? Will they manage to develop industries of their own and diversify trade relations? Will they launch new ways of regional south-south cooperation like the three Africa-South-America (ASA) summits that have been held thus far and in which way might they differ from earlier attempts during the non-alignment movement of the 1960s and 1970s? What is the role of migrant communities and cultural exchange? Do Western and Asian approaches to the two continents differ (Washington vs. Beijing consensus)?
Against this backdrop the OCP Policy Center and CIDOB, the Barcelona Centre for International Affairs, conducted a call for papers, inviting submissions that explore the Reconfiguration of the Global South: Africa, Latin America and the “Asian Century”. These papers will represent original research not presented or published elsewhere.
The aforementioned selected research projects are to be presented at the annual conference of the CIDOB-OCP Policy Center partnership in Barcelona on 27-29 January 2016, which will be held in cooperation with think tanks in Latin America and Africa. These selected papers will later be published in Afers Internacionals.
Thursday, 28 January |
09:00 – 09:30 |
Welcome address |
09:30 – 11:30 |
Panel I - OVERVIEW Moderator: Eckart Woertz (CIDOB, Barcelona) - The Asian Century” vs. “Africa Rising”: Reconfiguration - or Re-escalation of Dependency? Ian Taylor (St. Andrews University) - La cooperación al desarrollo china en América Latina: ¿Competencia o complementariedad con el CAD? Mario Esteban (Elcano) y Aitor Pérez (Universidad de Zaragoza) - Sin espacio para todos: China y la competencia por el Sur en el siglo XXI Fernando Mouron (Sao Paulo University / King’s College) - La cooperation Sud-Sud a l’epreuve des strategies de puissance: la « mutualisation juridico-institutionnelle des puissances » comme outil de défense et d’affirmation de l’Afrique face aux partenaires du Sud. Articulation, Enjeux et Perspectives Oumar Kourouma (Faculté de Droit de Tanger) Discussion |
11:30 – 12:00 |
Coffee Break |
12:00 – 14:00 |
PANEL II - ECONOMIC COOPERATION Moderator: Jordi Bacaria (CIDOB, Barcelona) - Economías emergentes. Los determinantes de la Inversión Extranjera Directa en la relación China-América Latina y el Caribe, sus efectos sobre el crecimiento económico y la estructura productiva y sus implicancias políticas para traspasar la trampa del ingreso medio Silvia Simmonit (Universidad de Rosario, Argentina) - The BRIC’s new development bank: a challenge to the Bretton Woods institutions? Gabrielle W. Cusson (University of Liege) - Desafíos petroleros para América Latina y África ante la expansión asiática Ígor Hernandez (Centro Internacional de Energía y Ambiente. Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administración, Caracas) - Los proyectos de integración mega regional de China: el caso de la Nueva Ruta de la Seda Marítima y África Manuel de Jesús Rocha Pino (UAB Barcelona and Mexico) Discussion |
14:00 – 15:00 |
Lunch Break |
15:00 – 17:00 |
PANEL III - CASE STUDIES AFRICA Moderator: Lilia Rizk (OCP Policy Center, Rabat) - South-South Cooperation or South-South Competition? Brazil and China as Competing Emerging Donors in Ghana Frank Mattheis (University of Pretoria) - Energising south-south collaboration: the political economy of dam investments in East Africa Martin Keulertz (GIZ, Germany) - Etat des lieux du commerce des produits agricoles : Quels effets pour la sécurité alimentaire en Afrique? Ismaelline Eba Nguema (Université Mohammed V-Souissi) - China, India and the Swahili coast in the 21st century: The return of pre-colonial structures to socio-economic realms Glenn Ojeda (Georgetown University) Discussion |
Friday, 28 January |
09:00 – 11:00 |
PANEL IV - ECONOMIC COOPERATION II Moderator: Ian Taylor (St. Andrews University, Fife, Scotland) - América Latina y Asia: oportunidades y desafíos de la intensificación de los vínculos económicos Osvaldo Kacef (CEPAL, Chile) - Latin American integration in the context of an expanded Atlantic Community Joaquin Roy (University of Miami) - Circulating Asian urbanisms: an analysis of policy and media discourse in Africa and Latin America Femke van Noorlos(University of Utrecht) - Beyond the MINTs: towards an inclusive regional development from the system of Intermediary Cities of Global South Borja M. Iglésias (NSIC, Barcelona) Discussion |
11:00 – 11:30 |
Coffee Break |
11:30 – 13:30 |
PANEL V - STRATEGIC ISSUES / VIEWS OF OUTSIDE POWERS Moderator: Martin Keulertz (GIZ, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, Bonn) - Regional security mechanisms in the Global South Sergio Aguilar (Universities of Sao Paulo and Oxford) - The Dilemma of Delivering Difference: China’s Donor Logic and Its Implications for Developing Countries Xuefei Shi (University of Nijmegen) - "Asian Century" in a Chindia Perspective: Positioning Africa" Jagannath Panda (Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi) - Ruta 3A: una idea geoeconómica para el siglo de los emergentes Saverio Angiò and Alexis Berg (University of Madrid) Discussion |
13:30 – 14:30 |
Lunch |
14:30 – 16:30 |
PANEL VI - CASE STUDIES LATINAMERICA Moderator: Anna Ayuso (CIDOB, Barcelona) - La apertura de Cuba como caso de estudio de la creciente influencia asiática en América Latina y Africa Fernando Ponzo Cantó, Department for the Americas, European External Action Service, Brussels - El gran canal interoceánico de Nicaragua: ¿Un modelo de proyecto de desarrollo en América Central bajo el consenso de Beijing? Patrice dos Santos, European Comission, JRC-IPTS, Sevilla - La migración china de ultramar en los países del Mercosur. Principales flujos y proyecciones en el siglo XXI”. Laura Lucía Bogado Bordazar (UNLP, Argentina) - Desde el Sur y hacia el Sur: Movimientos transmigratorios de senegaleses hacia la Argentina y el rol de la globalización en la reconfiguración de destinos Gisele Kleidermacher (CONICET, Buenos Aires) Discussion |
16:30 |
Closing remarks |