Call for Papers : Special Issue of Open Economies Review on Global Labor Markets
Open Economies Review will publish a special issue during 2017 devoted to analysis of labor markets in advanced countries, emerging markets, and low-income countries. The issue will be edited by Karim El Aynaoui (OCP Policy Center), Nauro Campos (Brunel University) and Prakash Loungani (IMF).
This issue comes against a backdrop recovery in many advanced economies and sluggish growth in many developing economies (both emerging markets and low-income countries). The unemployment rate in developing economies is expected to increase over the course of this year, while the rate for advanced economies will probably decline.
In view of these development and other underlying trends in the world of work, prominent experts from international organizations, research institutes and academia are invited to share perspectives on jobs trends and strategies, jobs and growth’s linkage, employability and inclusion, effectiveness of structural reforms, particularly labor market policies, to name a few.
Topics include (but are not limited to):
The editors are particularly interested in these topics:
- Links between jobs, growth and productivity in the short-run and long-run;
- Analysis of trends in labor mobility within and across countries;
- Labor market issues in economic unions;
- Impact on macroeconomic policies (monetary; fiscal; financial) on labor markets;
- Impact of structural policies on growth and jobs;
- Impact of labor market institutions and policies in advanced and developing countries;
- Evidence on the economic and social costs of unemployment.
Papers comparing advanced and developing country labor markets, and papers devoted to analysis of labor markets in low-income countries, are particularly welcome.
Any questions regarding the special issue can be addressed to:
- Loungani Prakash
- Nauro Campos
- GHAZI Tayeb
Paper Submission
Researchers interested in participating to this special issue should submit their paper by November 1, 2016 using our mail address:
Only completed papers will be considered.
About the guest editors
Karim El Aynaoui is Managing Director of OCP Policy Center, a global think tank headquartered in Rabat. Previously, he was Director of Economics at Bank Al-Maghrib (the central bank of Morocco) and an economist at the World Bank. He is the author of a book on growth strategies for Morocco and the guest editor of a special issue of Oxford Economic Papers.
Nauro Campos is Professor of Economics and Finance at Brunel University London, a Research Professor at ETH Zürich and a Research Fellow at the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA). He is the co-author, with Jeff Nugent, of a major study on the impacts of labor market regulations on growth and inequality, and he has edited a special issue of Economic Systems.
Prakash Loungani is Chief of Development Macroeconomics in the IMF’s Research Department. During 2010-15 he co-chaired the IMF’s group on Jobs and Growth. He has edited special issues of the Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, the Journal of International Money and Finance, and the International Journal of Forecasting.
About the journal
Open Economies Review features theoretical and empirical studies examining international economic issues or national economic issues with transnational relevance. The journal has a five-year impact factor of 0.82. The editor-in-chief is George S. Tavlas (Bank of Greece).