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6:00 pm November 2023
* Find English version belowLa disponibilité d'énergie est un élément essentiel pour assurer le progrès socio-économique, car elle constitue une composante fondamentale du processus de production, tout comme la main-d'œuvre et le capital humain. L'amélioration de l'accessibilité à l'énergie est donc cruciale pour atteindre l'Objectif de développement durable (ODD) 2030 des Nations unies sur l'éner…
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12:00 pm November 2023
* Find English version below L’espace atlantique africain constitue un espace stratégique pour les collectivités nationales qui le constituent aussi bien que pour un certain nombre de puissances et partenaires internationaux. Vivier démographique, il concentre nombre des principales économies du continent africain, et présente un potentiel considérable en termes de construction de solidarités int…
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6:00 pm July 2022
L’apparition de de la COVID-19 a engendré une crise sanitaire mondiale, qui s’est rapidement transformé à d’autres crises bouleversant le vécu des humains de par la planète. En ce qui concerne les marchés mondiaux, notamment du travail, les incertitudes ont fortement impacté les comportements des agents. Aussi, les mises sous restrictions, totales ou partielles, des facteurs de production ont eu l…


9:00 am September 2018


6:00 pm September 2018
  Theme Over the last two decades, as in previous decades, commodity prices have gone through particularly significant upward and downward phases, which have not been without major consequences on the economic, social and political realities of African exporting countries. The ambition of this workshop, two years after the return of bullish prices, is to appreciate the nature of the various link…
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5:00 pm December 2017
Call for Papers: Gender and Time-Budget: Profiles, indicators and methods of analysis   Contexte:  Depuis le début des années 90, les enquêtes sur les budgets-temps ne cessent d’occuper une importante place dans l’architecture des statistiques sociales. A cet effet, plus de 60 pays dans le monde se sont engagés à mener de tels projets pour élaborer un « Compte Satellite » dédié aux ménages. Dan…
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9:00 am June 2017


4:45 pm June 2017
 Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane Defining power is complex and ambiguous but understanding its elements and implications on national and foreign policies remains central to the study of international relations. Both ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ powers are employed to pursue political and strategic goals through military, economic, diplomatic and others ways of conquering hearts and minds, to create convincin…
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5:00 pm February 2017
  Context Defining power is complex and ambiguous but understanding its elements and implications on national and foreign policies remains central to the study of international relations. Both ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ powers are employed to pursue political and strategic goals through military, economic, diplomatic and others ways of conquering hearts and minds, to create convincing incentives and exer…
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5:00 pm November 2016
Open Economies Review will publish a special issue during 2017 devoted to analysis of labor markets in advanced countries, emerging markets, and low-income countries. The issue will be edited by Karim El Aynaoui (OCP Policy Center), Nauro Campos (Brunel University) and Prakash Loungani (IMF). This issue comes against a backdrop recovery in many advanced economies and sluggish growth in many devel…
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9:00 am September 2016


5:30 pm September 2016
OCP Policy Center, Rabat Commodity prices fluctuations continue to affect global economic activity and income distribution both in net exporter and net importer countries. For many economies, especially developing countries, commodities remain an important source of export earnings, and commodity price volatility has a major impact on overall macroeconomic performance. This phenomenon implies act…
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5:00 pm August 2016
OCP Policy Center, the International Monetary Fund and the Center on Global Economic Governance at Columbia University are seeking volunteers to provide support at the Marrakesh High Level Event “The Energy Transition, NDCs, and the Post-COP21” , a major seminar taking place September 08-09, 2016 at the Sofitel Hotel in Marrakesh. In partnership with the International Monetary Fund and the Center…
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5:00 pm June 2016
  RABAT COMMODITY CONFERENCE (RCC’2016) Rabat, Morocco, 28-29 September, 2016 Commodity prices fluctuations continue to affect global economic activity and income distribution both in net exporter and net importer countries. For many economies, especially developing countries, commodities remain an important source of export earnings, and commodity price volatility has a major impact on overall…
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9:00 am May 2016


6:00 pm May 2016
OCP Policy Center, Rabat Dans un environnement international de plus en plus complexe et compte tenu de l’importance stratégique et du caractère multidimensionnel de la compétitivité, le Maroc a engagé plusieurs réformes dans ce sens. Leur objectif est de renforcer son potentiel compétitif global, de trouver une place en tant qu’économie émergente et lieu attractif d’investissement et de conduire…
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9:00 am January 2016


5:00 pm January 2016
Barcelona, Spain Since the 1980s there has been a steady shift from West to East in the international system, first economically, then increasingly also politically and culturally. Emerging markets in Asia have moved up the value chain of industrial production processes and the share of Western industrialized countries in global GDP has declined. Beside the G7 the G20 has emerged as an internatio…
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