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Dr. Mohamed Limam is Assistant Professor in Political Science. He obtained a postdoctoral diploma, "Habilitation of Supervising Research (HDR) from the University Al Manar, Tunis. His main areas of interests and expertise are Tunisian politics and EU/MENA region cooperation, namely the EU migration policy toward the Maghreb countries. He was a research associate at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies in the European University Institute – Florence (2012- 2014 and 2016-2017). Dr. Limam is also the country reviewer of the Bertelsmann Transformation Index report (Tunisia, since 2012), the Country reporter of Transparency International report on Tunisia (2018) and of the Arab Civil-Military Relations Index (civil-military relations in Tunisia), Carnegie Middle East Center (2020).
His recent publications include (with R. A. Del Sarto) « Contesting Europe’s Policies of Migration Control: The Case of Morocco and Tunisia » (University of Michigan Press, 2020). He is the editor of two books: « Les Politiques migratoires de l’UE et de la Tunisie : Regards croisés au prisme des droits des migrants » (2019) and « La gestion de la question migratoire en Tunisie: Enjeux et défis » (2020).