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James G. McGann, Ph.D., is an FPRI (Foreign Policy Reseach Institut) Senior Fellow and Director of its Think Tanks and Foreign Policy Program. He isalso a senior lecturer in International Studiesat the Lauder Institute, director of the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program (TTCSP) and senior fellow, Fels Institute of Governmentat the University of Pennsylvania. He conductsresearch on the trends and challenges facingthink tanks and policymakersaround the world and providesadvice and technical assistance to think tanks, governments and public and privatedonors on how to improve the quality and impact of policyresearch. Prior to coming to the Lauder Institute Dr. McGannwas assistant director of the International Relations Program, University of Pennsylvania. Hiscurrentresearchinterestinclude: assessing global trends in security and international affairsresearch; the role of think tanks in shaping US foreign and domesticpolicy; think tanks and policyadvice in the BRIC and G20 countries and transnational issues and global public policy and how to assure the quality, independence and integrity of public policyresearch.
Dr. McGann has served as a consultant and advisor to the World Bank; the United Nations; the AsianDevelopment Bank; the United States Agency for International Development; the Soros, Rockefeller, MacArthur, Hewlett, and Gates foundations; the Carnegie Corporation; and foreigngovernments on the role of non-governmental, public policy, and public engagement organizations in civil society. He was an assistant professor of Political Science at Villanova Universitywherehetaught international relations, international organizations and international law. He has served as the senior vice president for the Executive Council on ForeignDiplomats, the public policy program officer for the Pew Charitable Trusts, the assistant director of the Institute of Politics, John F. Kennedy School of Governmentat Harvard University. He alsoserved as a senior advisor to the Citizens’ Network for ForeignAffairs and the Society for International Development.