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Harmonie Toros’ research lies at the crossroad between conflict resolution/conflict transformation, peace studies, and terrorism studies.
She has published seminal work developing a critical theory-based approach to terrorism and examining the transformation of conflicts marked by terrorist violence (see her ThinkKent talk). She has carried out extensive field research in Europe, the Middle East, South East Asia, and Africa researching state and non-state armed groups as well as investigating the human experience of war from combatant and non-combatant perspectives.
Her current research focuses on incorporating war experience into the study of conflict, examining some of the key methodological and epistemological challenges involved in translating war experience into knowledge.
In 2015, Harmonie was awarded the University’s Inaugural Research Prize (Early Career Researchers Category). She is an editor of the journal Critical Studies on Terrorism and a member of the International Studies Association (ISA) and British International Studies Association (BISA).
She also publishes on pedagogical issues surrounding the teaching of human experience in war, based on her third-year undergraduate Humans at War module. The innovative design and delivery of the module was recognised in 2017 by the Political Studies Association with the Sir Bernard Crick Award for Outstanding Teaching and by Kent’s Faculty of Social Sciences Teaching Award in 2016.
Harmonie joined the School in 2011 after lecturing at the University of Queensland, Australia and the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. She completed her PhD (“Terrorism, Talking and Transformation: Northern Ireland and Mindanao”) at the Department of International Politics of Aberystwyth University in 2010.
Following a BA in Contemporary History (Sussex) and a Maîtrise in History (Paris IV- Sorbonne), she worked as reporter and editor for major international news agencies (The Associated Press and Agence France-Presse) before returning to academia in 2003 to complete a Masters in Conflict Resolution (Bradford).