
PCNS Experts
Cyrielle Maingraud-Martinaud
PhD Candidate, Les Afriques dans le Monde, Sciences Po Bordeaux

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Cyrielle Maingraud-Martinaud is a PhD candidate from Sciences Po Bordeaux / Les Afriques dans le Monde. Her research focuses on the contemporary dynamics of electoral authoritarian regimes and dominant-party systems. She is currently writing her dissertation on the 2015 Tanzanian elections, focusing on the interaction between religious, traditional and political actors. She conducted an extensive 2 years fieldwork in various regions in Tanzania and was a teaching fellow at the University of Dar es Salaam in 2014/2015.

She recently published "Une hégémonie compétitive contre vents et marées : les élections générales de 2015 en Tanzanie et à Zanzibar", (with Marie-Aude Fouéré), Politique Africaine, 2015/4 (n°140).
