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Graduated in Economic and Financial Politics, he spent 14 years working as an analyst both in Italy and abroad with primary think tanks, including RAND Corporation in Washington D.C., Centre for Defence Studies and Caucasus Policy Institute of the King’s College of London, ISIS Europe in Brussels, as well as in the Italian Centre for High Defence Studies, Military Centre for Strategic Studies (CeMiSS). Adjunct Professor at Pavia University since 2011, from 2012 to 2018 he was Senior Civil Servant (Dirigente) in the Office of the Italian Minister of Defence, and Advisor to the Minister for politico-military matters and for academic activities. Among his achievements, he was co-author of the Ministerial Directive for Military Policy of 2012 and of the Italian Defence White Book 2015. In 2018 he was Economic Advisor to Teneo Strategy LCC, New York, before joining NATO as International Civilian in 2019. He is currently the Senior Analyst in the Comprehensive Research and Analysis Section of NATO Strategic Direction – South Hub, directing and coordinating knowledge products across Political – Military – Economic – Social – Informational and Infrastructure (PMESII) domains. |