• Authors
    February 24, 2023
    Mauritius was on the brink of disintegration in the 1980s, but by 2019 had managed a peaceful transformation from a low income, monocrop, inward-oriented economy to a diversified, outward-oriented, upper middle-income country. Mauritius is now again at a crossroads, having to adapt to accelerating climate change and the impacts of multiple crises. The government of Mauritius has a vision of transforming the country into a knowledge-intensive and inclusive economy of the Fourth Indu ...
  • Authors
    November 2, 2022
    This brief argues for a pan-African food security initiative that would: 1). encourage free trade in food products between African countries; 2). promote multi-country regional investments in infrastructure to enhance agricultural productivity and resilience to climate change; 3). support public-private partnerships to establish fertilizer factories across the continent; 4). create an African council responsible for coordinating and encouraging agricultural research and development; ...
  • Authors
    August 18, 2022
    On the evening of August 15, the Kenyan Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) declared William Ruto, the vice-president of the outgoing government, as winner of the presidential race. The announcement was not made in a situation of calm, as political unrest and turbulence erupted a few moments before Wafula Chebukati, the Chairman of the Electoral Commission, announced the winner’s name. For the first time since it was established by the Constitution in 2011, the me ...
  • Authors
    August 15, 2022
    Kenyans headed to the polls on August 9 to elect their fifth president, along with county governors, members of the Senate, and National Assembly representatives. The elections took place in a context of growing challenges of rising commodity prices, and the recent developments over the maritime dispute in which the International Court of Justice ruled in favor of Somalia. The presidential race between William Ruto—former deputy minister in the past government—and Raila Odinga, the ...
  • Authors
    Sabine Cessou
    July 12, 2022
    The Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders Alumni (ADEL) Portraits are a series of journalistic insights that delve into the stories and backgrounds of impactful young leaders of the ADEL community, now 350 alumni strong. These portraits are more than a biography as they capture the motives, success stories, career shifts, and vision behind each emerging leader’s pursuit of positive impact. From Morocco to South Africa, Germany to Canada, Brazil and the United States, these young leade ...
  • Authors
    January 4, 2022
    A la fin avril 2021, Total (aujourd’hui TotalEnergies) annonçait le retrait de son personnel du site d’Afungi, dans le nord-est du Mozambique, et déclarait la force majeure pour le projet gazier Mozambique LNG. Ce projet, qui devrait normalement être opérationnel en 2024, porte sur la production et l’exportation de gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL) à partir de très importantes ressources de gaz naturel découvertes dans le bassin de Rovuma (Zone offshore 1) en mer. Ce retrait temporaire du ...
  • Authors
    February 17, 2021
    La vanille est un produit d’exportation phare de Madagascar qui dispose, pour cette matière première unique, d’un quasi-monopole mondial. Si les recettes d’exportation qui en découlent sont essentielles pour l’île Rouge, leur variabilité, conjuguée à celle d’autres produits, tels que le nickel, n’est pas sans poser d’importants problèmes macroéconomiques en raison de la faible diversification de sa balance commerciale. Conséquence de la chute des cours depuis les sommets atteints en ...
  • Authors
    Sabine Cessou
    November 27, 2020
    « Une terre promise » (Fayard), livre événement de Barack Obama, couvre sa campagne et les trois premières années de sa présidence. L’Egypte est le pays d’Afrique dont il parle le plus – et pas seulement à cause du Printemps arabe. L’Afrique occupe à peine 40 pages sur les 840 que comptent les mémoires de Barack Obama. La crise financière internationale, la loi Obama Care et le retrait des troupes d’Irak et Afghanistan ont retenu l’attention du président fraîchement élu. C’est l’Eg ...
  • September 4, 2020
    The 2011 announcement of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam’s construction came at a critical time, as Egypt was in the midst of a revolution and relations between Egypt and Ethiopia were already tense. Despite initial Egyptian threats of undertaking military action, Ethiopia pursued the construction of what has been presented as an essential part of its national and, to some extent, regional development. Tensions between the Sudan, Egypt and Ethiopia have been extremely high for t ...
  • Authors
    Benjamin Augé
    August 31, 2020
    Les découvertes géantes de gaz au Mozambique, soit 160 trillions de pieds cubes (4 530 milliards de mètres cubes), vont permettre à ce pays très pauvre (6 e produit national brut [PNB] par habitant – le plus faible du continent africain) de devenir un des futurs grands producteurs de gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL) au monde d’ici deux décennies. La plupart des majors occidentales et asiatiques sont théoriquement prêtes à investir plus d’une centaine de milliards de dollars (Mds de $) dan ...
  • Authors
    May 8, 2020
    Digital technological innovation, combined with new financing approaches, can make a significant contribution in the field of access to energy. This is the case in Kenya, where payas- you-go solutions, combined with solar home systems and an extensive mobile network, have enabled thousands of Kenyans to access clean and affordable off-grid electricity. This policy paper identifies the drivers of the development of pay-as-you-go solutions in off-grid systems in Kenya, assesses their ...
  • Authors
    Benjamin Augé
    October 29, 2019
    L’ Afrique de l’Est a le potentiel de connaître un boom gazier et d’ exportation de gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL) ces prochaines années grâce à plusieurs projets qui viennent d’être débloqués. Le Mozambique a ainsi sanctionné deux projets totalisant plus de 15 millions de tonnes par an (Mt/an) de gaz liquéfié et un troisième devrait être lancé d’ici la fin 2019. Un premier Floating Liquefied Natual Gas plant (FLNG) d’ ENI arrivera sur le marché en 2021-2022 et quatre autres trains de l ...
  • Authors
    November 27, 2017
    Current technological developments in manufacturing are likely to lead to a partial reversal of the wave of fragmentation and global value chains that was at the core of the rise of North-South trade from 1990 onwards. At the same time, China – the main hub of the global-growth-cum-structural-change of that period - may attempt to extend the previous wave through its “One Belt, One Road” initiative. ...
  • Authors
    Dina N. Elshahawany
    Michael L. Lahr
    September 18, 2017
    This paper focuses on a proposed development corridor in Egypt, a main component of which is a desert-based expansion of the current highway network. The main beneficial features of this proposed transport investment are travel time reductions and improved accessibility. We use a spatial computable general equilibrium (SCGE) model to estimate the economic impacts of changes in transportation costs from this new roadway. To effect this, we integrate the model with a stylized geo-code ...
  • Authors
    April 12, 2017
    We argue in this paper that electricity production needs to be multiplied by a large factor in the coming years for East Africa to reach the economic growth rate it deserves after the improvement of its socio-political situation. The rural electrification rate in North Africa as represented for instance by Morocco was higher than 99.50% in the first quarter of 2017 while it was barely 10% in some parts of Western Kenya. We also make the case for hydroelectricity as the adequate ren ...
  • Authors
    Benjamin Augé
    March 6, 2015
    L'appétit des pétroliers pour l'Afrique de l'Est a bien changé depuis 2006, où les premières découvertes en Ouganda ont été mises au jour. Il reste cependant encore difficile, pour un grand nombre d'investisseurs qui s'intéressent à cette région, d'appréhender l'ampleur du phénomène. Cette note permettra notamment de revenir sur la localisation des réserves, leurs volumes, le moment où elles seront développées, ce à quoi elles serviront et les freins à leur développement. Outre l'Ou ...
  • Authors
    Benjamin Augé
    March 6, 2015
    The position of oil companies toward East Africa has changed considerably since 2006 when the first reserves in Uganda came to light. However, for many investors interested in the region, it remains difficult to get a clear picture of the scale of developments of this sector. This paper will discuss the locations of reserves, their volumes, when they will be developed, what they will be used for, and possible impediments to their development. In addition to Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania a ...