
Stephanie Oserwa Schandorf
Associate Director, Gulf of Guinea Maritime Institute

Uncomfortable. That one word sums up my experience at the ADEL 2023 program. Every aspect of the program pushed me to my limits, inspiring me to be more...to do more. For an entire week, I was completely out of my comfort zone, immersed in a whirlwind of rigorous debates, thought-provoking workshops, and real-world simulations that challenged my understanding of security and policy issues across the Atlantic basin and the north-south divide. The diversity of perspectives was enlightening. Engaging with professionals and experts from various countries, each bringing their unique insights and experiences, broadened my horizons more than any textbook ever could. At the end of the day though, the deepest and most meaningful lessons came from the one-on-one interactions.... from learning how a colleague overcame obstacles to chart a new, unconventional path to making an impact in their own way... or from listening to stories about the successes of others and learning from them. As I reflect on my journey with ADEL 2023, I am grateful for the discomfort. It was the catalyst for a profound personal and professional transformation, equipping me with the skills and confidence to contribute effectively - and in my own way - to the emerging challenges of the New South.